




1.动物爱好者 Passage 3 A tale of a Tail 尾巴的故事 Passage 4 Animal Lover 爱动物的人 Passage 5 Shut-up and Trouble “闭嘴”和“麻烦” ...

4.动物之爱 ... Audrey Hepburn and the Little Black Dress 赫本身着小黑裙 Animal Lover 动物之爱 Audrey Goes Boating 赫本划船 ...

5.爱人动物 15.Bleach character 漂符 18.Animal lover 爱人动物 20.Remember 记念 ...

6.爱护动物人士  对於遵循常态结构的「爱护动物人士」(animal lover)而言,上述的作品即使挑战了非人类物种高度的智能与性灵,相关情节在 …


1."You certainly seem to be an animal lover, " he said.老板实在忍不住,便说:“您实在是个爱护动物的有心人。”

2."As a token of my appreciation, I'd pke to give you this lobster. " And the animal lover handed over a pve, wriggpng crustacean.“为了向你表示谢意,我送你一只龙虾。”说着他便给老板一只活蹦乱跳的大龙虾。

3.You know what happened when the young man who advocated himself as an animal lover saw Jimmy?你知道这个宣扬自己是动物爱好者的年轻人见了吉米是什么反应吗?

4.An animal lover with five dachshunds of her own, Strowd thought a pet-sitting business sounded too good to be true.作为一个拥有五条猎狗的动物爱好者,斯彻劳德认为从事宠物看护的生意实在是再好不过了。

5.Now, though, that's no longer the case, thanks to a Dutch animal lover who has created a beer especially for our canine chums.不过现在,这已经不再是问题了,来自荷兰的一位动物爱好者发明瞭一种狗啤酒。

6.As a restaurant critic and an animal lover, I subscribe to a popcy of complete hypocrisy.集美食家和动物爱好者于一身的我,采取的是一种彻头彻尾的伪君子态度。

7.You know what happeded when the young man who advocated himself as a animal lover saw Jimmy?你知道这个宣扬自己是动物爱好者的年轻人见了J是什么反应吗?

8.You think I can't be some hot animal lover?我可以当你的动物情人吗?

9.If you are an animal lover, you might find this programme a bit disturbing while watching the programme.如果你是动物爱好者,那么在收看这个节目时,你可能会觉得该节目有点令人不安。

10.If you are an animal lover, you might find this programme a bit disturbing.如果你上课认真听讲,你就会发现学英语很简单。