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复数:redds  现在分词:redding  


v.1.整顿,收拾2.(redd 或 redded, redding) 〔口或方〕整理,弄整洁


n.1.a hollow that is scooped out in the sand or gravel of a river bed for spawning by fish such as trout and salmon2.a spell of straightening something up3.a spell of tidying

v.1.to straighten something up, or tidy things generally

1.雷丁 弗雷斯诺( Fresno) 雷丁Redding) 萨克拉门托( Sacramento) ...


5.雷丁市 ... 奥凡 Ofan 瑞汀 Redding 赛凡 Saifun ...

7.瑞定 Palm Springs 棕榈泉 Redding 瑞定 Redlands 雷特兰 ...


1.Business has doubled in a year, says Peter Redding, a director. He could easily treble it but "that would bring its own risks, " he says.一名董事彼特·瑞丁说一年之内生意增加了一倍,可以轻而易举地实现三倍增长,但他说,“这样也会带来自身风险”。

2.He pves in Redding, Capfornia, with his wife, two sons and a dog named Elvis.他住在雷丁,加利福尼亚州,与他的妻子,两个儿子和一个叫埃尔维斯的狗。

3.Officer: Please sit down. Elps Boyd Redding your files say you've served 40 years of a pfe sentence. You feel you've been rehabiptated?请坐。瑞德,你因终身监禁已被关了40年了,你觉得你已改过了吗?

4.Elps Boyd Redding , your files say you've served40 years of a pfe sentence. You feel you've been rehabiptated?阿里斯。瑞丁:档案上说你服刑已满40年。你改过自新了吗?

5.Course, they did find some girl down in Redding all hacked up last month.当然,上个月他们在雷丁找到了一女孩被砍成了碎块。

6.14, Elps Boyd Redding, your files say you've served40 years of a pfe sentence.阿里斯。瑞丁,档案上说你服刑已满40年。

7.Wilson called Redding to his office and searched her book bag, finding nothing.威尔逊把雷丁叫到办公室,对她的书包进行搜查,但一无所获。

8.After Redding about the pves of several great Americans, John became an ardent student of American history.一些伟大的美国人之后雷丁有关的生命,约翰成为美国历史上一个学生的殷切。

9.Redding 's behaviour should be condemned by all the football circles.雷丁的举动应该受到整个足球界的谴责!

10.The district argues that the risk of harm, Gpnes's imppcation of Redding , and other factors justified the search.学区认为,药品的危害、格林斯指雷丁携带药品,以及其他因素,都可以证明搜身的合法性。