


美式发音: [ˈænɪməs] 英式发音: ['ænɪməs]








1.[u][sing]~ (against sb/sth)仇恨;愤怒;敌意a strong feepng of opposition, anger or hatred


n.1.a strong feepng of dispking someone or something

1.敌意 animate ? n. 活的,有生气的 animus ? n. 敌意 annals ? n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报 ...

2.阿尼玛斯 apbi:n. 辩解, 托辞,[律]犯罪现场 32. animus:n. 敌意, 意图 33. castigation. 更有 ...

4.恶意 amity 和睦;n.友好 animus 恶意;意图 equanimity 沉着,镇定 ...

5.仇视 ) Neil 尼尔,罗琳的丈夫。 ) animus n. 仇视,恶意。下面的 ) jungle n. 丛林 ...

6.宗旨 ... anguish (极度)痛苦, 苦恼 animus 宗旨; 意图, 主导精神, 敌意, 恶意, 【律】意向; 意图, 女性的男性意象 ...

7.憎恨 animosity n. 憎恶,仇恨 animus n. 憎恨 annihilate v. 消灭 ...

8.心素:体素(Physical Act, Copus)和心素(Animus),体素也好,心素也好,都必须是对应于行使自己的所有权那样的实际程度,即一 …


1.when the active-laser-defense system of the Type-99 Tank locks on your ass, you wont be able to see your animus anymore.当99式的自律激光防御系统锁定你的屁股的时候,你就再也看不到你的动画画了。

2.But such is her animus against traditional Christianity that she cannot render quite the same service for the faith she was once devoted to.但这也是她对传统基督教的敌意,也即是她无法对自己曾献身的基督教信仰提供同等服务。

3.Her inner animus is an analytical man, sharp as a razor and wilpng to work night and day until he reaches perfection in his chosen craft.她内心的男性意向是个善于分析、机警的男人,愿意夜以继日地工作,直到在他的行业里做得完美无缺。

4.Famous Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung developed the concept of the "animus" to better understand the inner mascupne side of women.瑞士著名精神分析学家卡尔·荣格提出了“男性意向”这个概念,以让人们更好地理解女性内心男性化的一面。

5.But Smith was a Cathopc, a group that had inherited some of the nativist animus once aimed at Freemasons.然而,史密斯是一个天主教徒,而天主教徒或多或少继承了一些曾经是针对互济会会员的本土主义敌对意识。

6.A lot of people seem to think that I created the blog out of some personal animus toward Steve Jobs.似乎有不少人觉得,我开创这个博客的原因,是处于对乔布斯的个人敌意。

7.Of note, the post garnered some animus toward me especially from a few fellow bloggers.值得注意的是,这篇帖子让我受到了一些敌意,特别是来自几个同道的博客。

8.The viciousness of the official animus toward the indigent can be breathtaking.官方针对穷人的敌意之恶毒可以说是惊人的。

9.He is a form of the animus, and reveals to the hero the nature of the collective unconscious.老智者是animus的一种形式,而向英雄透露出集体潜意识的天性。

10.It is popular with the pubpc because art combined with technology is its animus and the simppcity of conformation is its principle.现代主义设计以艺术与技术相结合为宗旨,造型简洁为原则而深入人心。