


美式发音: [ˈbændi] 英式发音: ['bændi]


n.(= hockey)曲棍球 简化式曲棍球;(特指)牛车



第三人称单数:bandies  现在分词:bandying  过去式:bandied  比较级:bandier  最高级:bandiest  同义词反义词



v.exchange,toss around,mention,debate,discuss



1.向外弯曲的;罗圈的curving, with the knees wide apart

to be bandy-legged有罗圈腿

v.IDMbandy words (with sb)(与…)争吵,发生口角to argue with sb or speak rudely to them


n.1.〈废〉旧式网球2.曲棍球 (= hockey) 简化式曲棍球3.印度马车,(特指)牛车


adj.1.bandy legs are curved, so that the knees do not touch

1.冰上曲棍球 banal 陈腐的,平庸的 bandy 互致,交换,对骂 bane 祸根,灾星 ...

4.传播 ... Royal United Services Institute 英国皇家联合服务学会 bandy 传播 hub 中心 ...

5.向外弯曲的 backing n. 衬背,后援,支持者 bandy a. 向外弯曲的 bareheaded a. 不戴帽子的 ...

6.打来打去 bandy about 随意摆布 bandy 打来打去 bandy-legged 膝向外弯曲的 ...

7.曲棍球系从英格兰的班弟球而今日曲棍球系从英格兰的班弟球Bandy)与苏格兰与威尔斯的新尼球(Shinty)的蜕变而来的,而其所使用的规则,亦是从 …


1.Palmer's dignity did not allow her to bandy words with her social inferiors.帕麦尔的尊严不容许她与社会地位与她低的人争吵。

2.We grow out of having short bandy legs and no teeth. We would also grow out of having a naked skin if it proved to be a disadvantage.我们出生时都是四肢短小、没有牙齿,如果没有毛发是个缺点的话,那么我们出生时也会如此。

3.Within a few seconds he revealed the snake's tail, and soon after that, the rest of the "bandy" appeared.没过多久就看见了一条蛇的尾巴,紧接着其余的部分都呈现出来了。

4.He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound.两条短短的罗圈腿,一头又长又乱的姜黄色头发,一双肿胀充血的眼睛,使得他看上去像一只短腿猎狗那样愁苦。

5.its occupants, a motley herd of bandy-legged crustaceans, have been crammed into one of the townships once reserved for blacks.从飞船里乱哄哄地走出一群五颜六色的甲壳类动物,他们双腿弯曲,被圈养在一个废弃的黑人区里。

6.Others, pke speed skiing, bandy, and skijoring have been demonstration sports but never incorporated officially as an Olympic sport.其他还有一些项目被列为表演项目,但未成为正式项目,其中包括:速度滑雪、冰上曲棍球和滑雪板。

7.He was a broad, bandy-legged pttle man with a walrus mustache, with square hands, puffed and muscled on the palms.沉思着,那双灰色的眼睛有些潮湿。他是一个宽肩,腿有点弯,带着海象胡子的年轻人,有一双充满肌肉的宽大手掌。

8.Yet while we bandy about the term "talent, " we have no real definition of it.然而,虽然我们对长期圈“人才,”我们有没有真正的定义。

9.An Iran appellate court Teheran Mayor which suspension Bandy- legged its prison term from five years is reduced is two years.伊朗一家上诉法庭把被停职的德黑兰市长卡巴其的刑期从五年减为两年。

10.In his grandpa jeans, Nick Clegg looks pke a bandy-legged postman who has just got the sack.英国副首相克莱格受到了作者的点名批评:他穿上牛仔裤就显出了罗圈腿,活像一个刚被解雇的邮差。