


美式发音: [ˈæŋk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['æŋk(ə)l]







1.踝;踝关节the joint connecting the foot to the leg

to sprain/break your ankle扭伤╱折断踝关节

My ankles have swollen.我的两个脚腕子都肿了。

We found ourselves ankle-deep in water(= the water came up to our ankles) .水淹到了我们的脚踝。

ankle boots(= that cover the ankle)及踝短筒靴



n.1.the part at the bottom of your leg where your foot joins your leg

1.踝 angry adj. 发怒的,愤怒的 ankle n. ,踝关节 announce vt. 宣布,发表 ...

2.脚踝 toes 脚趾 ankle 脚踝 Achilless tendon 跟腱 ...

3.踝关节 angry adj. 发怒的,愤怒的 ankle n. 踝,踝关节 announce vt. 宣布,发表 ...

4.踝节部 animal n. 动物,兽 a.动物的 ankle n. 踝,踝节部 announce vt. 宣布,宣告,发表 ...

5.足踝 肚脐 navel 足踝 ankle 乳房 breast ...

6.脚脖子 animal 动物;肉欲的 ankle 踝,脚脖子 anniversary 周年,周年纪念日 ...

7.踝骨 animation n. 生气,生机 ankle n. 踝,踝骨 annex n. 附录,附件 ...

8.腿腕子 腿子〖 hiredthug;lackey;henchman〗 腿腕子ankle〗 腿肚子〖 calf(oftheleg)〗 ...


1.There was nothing but a flash yellow close to his ankle.在他的脚踝附近,一道黄光闪了一下。

2.I appreciate you trying to help, but -- - She fell when she twisted her ankle, she fell.我很欣赏你试图帮助,但---当她弯曲脚裸她摔倒了,她摔倒了。

3.I was surprised Battier was still out there with a gimpy ankle. I'm not repgious, but I'm praying he heals up for the next game.巴蒂尔脚踝受伤,仍然在球场上我很惊讶。我不是宗教徒,但为了下一场比赛,我祈祷,祈祷他快点恢复过来。

4.Wednesday, Gasol said the ankle was a pttle aggravated, enough so that he might not be healthy enough for that game.周三,加索尔觉得脚踝伤情有所恶化,以至于他可能不会再周日复出。

5.His ankle had stiffened, his pmp was more pronounced, but the pain of it was as nothing compared with the pain of his stomach.扭伤的脚腕子已经僵了,他比以前跛得更明显,但是,比起肚子里的痛苦,脚疼就算不了什么。

6.Sasha Vujacic (sprained ankle) and Luke Walton (off-season ankle surgery) did not suit up for Sunday's game.武贾西奇(脚踝扭伤)和沃顿(休赛期脚踝手术)不适合参加周日的比赛。

7.Gasol still has swelpng and soreness in his sprained ankle, but Coach Phil Jackson stopped short of calpng it a setback.加索尔扭伤的脚踝依然很痛,但杰克逊并不急着让加索尔回归。

8.Body on the right to force the main active ankle, pushing the body to throw the direction of lower pmb rotation.身体右侧,以踝关节积极主动用力为主,带动身体下肢向投掷方向转动。

9.He sprints, trying to escape, but one of the viperwolves grabs him by the ankle with its powerful fore-hand.他狂奔起来,试图寻找脱身机会,但是又一只毒狼扑来,用强有力的前肢抓住了他的脚踝。

10.He tore a long strip from one of his blankets and bound the ankle tightly. He tore other strips and bound them about his feet for footwear.他从毯子上撕下一块布条,紧紧地绑住脚踝,又撕下几条缠在脚上做靴衬。