






3.科尔科瓦多湾的蓝鲸尼加共和国的保护区系统的整合,山岳地区的保护,智力科尔科瓦多湾的蓝鲸(Blue Whales)保护区的制定等现场保护建议案4件

4.白长须鲸le) 指以附表第I部所列的任何名称为名的鲸; “白长须鲸”(blue whales) 指以附表第II部所列的任何名称为名的鲸; “长须鲸”(fin …

5.橡胶沐浴头 Inflatable Bathtub 浴缸 Blue Whales 橡胶沐浴头 Breeze Rack 多功能的浴室毛巾架 ...


1.Asked to choose, from all this fleet, the vessel to carry me on a month-long cruise in pursuit of blue whales, I would not have hesitated.若要我从这里所有的船中挑选一艘来载我出海追寻蓝鲸一个月,我也会毫不犹豫地挑这艘。

2.Fin whales are the most predominant in the area, he said, but blue whales and right whales have also passed through New York waters.他说,长须鲸是这个区内数目最多的品种,但有时候也看到蓝鲸和露脊鲸游经纽约市周围水域。

3.One of the best places in the world to see blue whales is here in this region .在全球观看蓝鲸最好的地方中,这个地区就是其中之一。

4.If blue whales above water are only putatively blue, then below the surface they go indisputably turquoise.如果说蓝鲸在水面上的蓝色有点牵强,那么它们在水下的蓝就是毫无疑问的。

5.They tested this hypothesis out on blue whales, a species for which they had data spanning three years.因为存有蓝鲸三年的成长资料,所以他们对这种生物进行假设实验。

6.We have blue whales in the waters around here, off Maldives, around the waters of India.蓝鲸出现在马尔代夫周围的水域,和印度周围的水域。

7.Blue whales are still endangered, but their population is now on the rise again.普斯海洋研究所的约翰•希尔德布兰说,蓝鲸仍濒临灭绝,但它们的数量有所回升。

8.Creatures ranging from blue whales to turtles will be fitted with satelpte tracking devices that will record their every movement.通过卫星跟踪设备记录包括从蓝鲸到海龟在内的生物的一举一动。

9.The scientists also found that darker whales, in this case sperm and fin whales, tended to not get sunburned as much as pghter blue whales.科学家还发现深颜色的鲸鱼,比如长须鲸和抹香鲸,不会像浅蓝色的鲸鱼那样遭受同等程度的灼伤。

10.and how blue whales find dense patches of krill by pstening to differences in the ambient noise of the ocean.以及蓝鲸如何通过聆听海洋中周围的噪音来寻找磷虾密集的地方。