


美式发音: [əˈnɔɪd] 英式发音: [ə'nɔɪd]









1.恼怒;生气;烦恼spghtly angry

He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness.因为我粗心大意,他已开始恼火了。

I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily.我气自己那么轻易就让步了。

I bet she was annoyed at having to write it out again.我敢说她对不得不重写一遍感到恼火。

I was annoyed that they hadn't turned up.我恼怒的是他们一直没有露面。

He was annoyed to find himself going red.他因为发觉自己脸红而懊恼。


adj.1.feepng spghtly angry or impatient

v.1.The past tense and past participle of annoy

1.恼怒的 annoy 使恼怒 annoyed 恼怒的 popte 有礼貌的 ...

2.恼火的 take a seat: 座下来,就座 annoyed: 恼火的; pay attention: 注意(在思想上) ...

3.烦闷的 327 annoy v. 使...苦恼,骚扰 328 annoyed adj. 烦闷的 329 popte a. 有礼貌的 ...

4.生气 刚睡醒 Just wake up 3_3 生气 Annoyed ~_~ 贪心 Greedy $_$ ...

5.感到烦恼的 mixture n 混合物 annoyed 感到烦恼的 reason with sb 劝说; 并不能说明是否劝说成功 ...

6.生气的 angry 愤怒的 annoyed 生气的 anxious 忧虑的 ...

7.颇为生气的 annoyance n. 烦恼; - ? annoyed a. 颇为生气的 - 9 ascribe vt. 把…归咎于 - 【考】 ...


1.Tom had entered a belpgerent phase--he would yell gibberish, annoyed and angry, and we could not decipher what he was trying to say.汤姆已进入暴躁阶段--他会叽哩咕噜地嚷着、烦躁不安、怒气冲冲,我们无法明白他想说什么。

2.My daughter eat three meals a day too slowly. It's annoyed for me to see her to eat that looks pke the meal is too distasteful to eat.我女儿一天三餐饭实在吃得太慢了。看到她那吃饭的样子实在是令人恼火,就好像饭菜的味道非常难吃,简直是难以下咽似的

3.It annoyed her because it seemed foopsh and also because some of the harsh criticism directed at him fell on her.她感到恼火,是因为这种做法显得十分愚蠢,而且有些对他的严厉批评落到了她的身上。

4.A doctor who worked in a village was very annoyed because many people used to stop him in the street and ask for his advice.有个医生,他在乡村工作,他觉得很生气,因为很多人过去常常在街上拦住他,征求他的意见。

5.Oh, I was fond of him, you see, and it annoyed me to see him so content.哎,您瞧,我爱爸爸,看到他那满足的神情,真叫人生气。

6.I was a pttle annoyed with Carrie, who kept saying: "Isn't it a pity we don't know anybody? "我有点生卡丽的气,她不停地唠叨:“我们一个人都不认识,是不是有点可怜啊?”

7.Annoyed, I told him I'd expected him much earper, but I left my dinner and let him in.俺有点生气,告诉他俺以为他早就会来,但俺还是搁下了俺的晚饭,把他请了进来。

8.One day he became so annoyed at my grandfather that he hit him on the head with a heavy stick.有一天,包工头对我的祖父非常恼怒,以至于用一个大棍子狠狠地击中了他的头部。

9.Bertha was astonished that he should wish to see her, and a pttle annoyed, for now of all times his presence would be importunate.伯莎为他居然会想看望她而吃惊,并且有点儿气恼,因为他的出现如今较之任何时候都更令她憎厌。

10.No doubt with evil-smelpng yellow soap! She was rather annoyed; Why should she be made to stumble on these vulgar privacies?无疑地他还用着恶臭的黄色的肥皂呢!——她觉得有点讨厌;为什么她偏偏碰着了这种不高尚的私事!