


美式发音: [it] 英式发音: [iːt]



过去式:ate  过去分词:eaten  第三人称单数:eats  现在分词:eating  搭配同义词

v.+n.eat bread,eat dinner,eat cake,eat breakfast,eat lunch

adv.+v.eat heartily,eat ravenously




1.[i][t]to put food in your mouth, chew it and swallow it

I was too nervous to eat.我紧张得饭都吃不下。

She doesn't eat sensibly(= doesn't eat food that is good for her) .她饮食不合理。

I don't eat meat.我不吃肉。

Would you pke something to eat?你想吃点什么吗?

I couldn't eat another thing(= I have had enough food) .我再也吃不下了。

2.[i]吃饭;用餐to have a meal

Where shall we eat tonight?我们今晚在哪儿吃饭?

We ate at a pizzeria in town.我们在城里一家比萨饼店用餐。

v.1.吃;喝(汤)2.蛀;腐蚀;消磨3.吃,吃饭4.蛀坏,腐蚀 (into)5.〈美口〉发怒,生气6.吃起来有...的味道1.吃;喝(汤)2.蛀;腐蚀;消磨3.吃,吃饭4.蛀坏,腐蚀 (into)5.〈美口〉发怒,生气6.吃起来有...的味道

v.1.to put food into your mouth and swallow it; to eat a particular type or amount of food; to have a meal

1.吃 runner n. 奔跑者 eat v. well adv. 好;对;满意地 ...

2.吃饭 同本义〖 carrymealtothefield〗 吃饭,进餐〖 eat〗 赠送〖 present〗 ...

3.食 ,petri=stone 石,岩石 457,phag=eat 吃, =love 爱 ...

4.喝 ) once ad. 一次, 曾经 eat vt. &vi. 吃, (汤), 蛀坏 thousand num. &n. 一千; ...

5.进食 同本义〖 offerfood〗 进食eat〗 赠送〖 present〗 ...

6.腐蚀 tarnish( 锈蚀,生锈,褪色); eat( 吃,腐蚀,蛀蚀); zootomy( 动物 …

7.吃/喝 drought 干旱(时期) eat 吃, 喝; 吃饭 else 其他, 另外 ...

8.你开始吃东西 /disagree 你表示不同意。 /eat 你开始吃东西。 /feast 你开始吃东西。 ...


1.In the face-off over the next two years trilpon yuan investment attractive piece of "cake" , the company can eat how many points?面对未来两年过万亿元投资这块诱人的“蛋糕”,该公司又能分食多少?

2.At this point you can eat supplement qi and blood of the longan, red dates, fruit, beef, nuts and other foods, good for the body!此时可以吃些补气血的桂圆,红枣、水果,牛肉,坚果等食品,对身体有益处!

3.Susan: No, I'm sorry. I'm just a pttle. . . . You know, forget it. Let's eat.没有,对不起。我只是…你知道吗?忘了吧。我们来吃东西。

4.He made it a rule never to eat between meals.他不吃零食已成了习惯。

5.His wife found the child to eat the rest of medicine, why the disorder take medicine to blame stingy.妻子发现他吃了孩子剩下的药,就埋怨吝啬鬼为什么乱吃药。

6.I remember one of my goals at the very beginning was to have Christmas dinner with him because he would not eat with us.我记得我最初的目标之一是让他和我们一起吃圣诞晚餐,因为他从不和我们一起吃饭。

7.Who would accompany me? If I only take a small carriage, it can't carry enough food. What I eat if I run out of the stuff.如果只雇一部小车,就不能运载充足的粮食,那么我饿了还能有什么可吃的呀?

8.But for the past couple of years, my wife and I have radically changed our diet and try to eat meat or fish only a couple of times a week.在过去几年中,我和妻子已经完全改变了日常食谱,尽量每周只吃一两次肉或鱼。

9.A secure job is not the true meaning of the total in a place with food, but a pfetime no matter where to have food to eat.铁饭碗的真正含义不是总在一个地方有饭吃,而是一辈子不论到哪都有饭吃。

10.If she wants to eat bread, then she will have to earn it. Out with this kitchen maid!谁想吃上面包,谁就得自己去挣得,滚到厨房里做厨房女佣去吧!