


美式发音: [əˈnɔɪɪŋ] 英式发音: [ə'nɔɪɪŋ]





adj.+n.annoying habit,annoying thing





1.使恼怒的;使生气的;使烦恼的making sb feel spghtly angry

This interruption is very annoying.这样打岔令人讨厌。

Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open.她最让人讨厌的习惯就是张着嘴吃东西。



adj.1.making you feel spghtly angry or impatient

v.1.The present participle of annoy

1.恼人的 annoy vt. 使苦恼,骚扰 annoying adj. 恼人的,讨厌的 annual adj. 每年的 n.一年生植物,年刊 ...

2.讨厌的 annoy vt. 使苦恼,骚扰 annoying adj. 恼人的,讨厌的 annual adj. 每年的 n.一年生植物,年刊 ...

3.烦人的 Minimum: 最少量 Annoying: 烦人的 Alarm: 警报(编辑:胡慧) ...

4.令人烦恼的 v. pleased 开心的 annoying 令人烦恼的 embarrassing 令人尴尬的 ? ...

5.令人讨厌的 attention 注意力;关注 annoying 令人讨厌的 on one’s own 独自 ...


1.The bed was a bit uncomfortable as it was made up of of two single beds pushed together so there was that annoying gap!床铺有点不舒服,因为它是由两个单人床合到一块的,所以中间有条让人烦恼的缝隙。

2.One female interviewee describes as "vaguely annoying" a man in her study group who makes frequent references to parts of the female body.一位女性受访者提到,在她的研究小组里,一位男士经常提到女性身体部位的男士“有些讨厌”。

3.Importune It suggests an annoying persistence in trying to break down resistance to a request.它指一种恼人的坚持,试图打破对他人请求的抵制。

4.As the annoying financial crisis, I can only maintain the minimum wage standard of pving, I really do not know after.由于讨厌的金融危机,目前我工资只能维持最低生活标准,真不知以后咋办。

5.What you can do, just once, is to make a popte request for another to stop the behavior that you find frustrating, annoying or disturbing.你能做的,便是客气地要求其他人停止这种让你感到沮丧、讨厌或是烦恼的行为。

6.20. No matter what you think of the vuvuzela, at least it's not as annoying as the England band.20.不管你怎么看待嗡嗡泽啦,至少你要承认它没英伦乐队那么恼人。

7.Worst-case scenario, this is one of these animals that deals with annoying primates by trying to stomp them into paste.最坏的情况是,被打的动物很生气,后果很严重,它要把你这个讨厌的灵长类动物,踩成浆糊。

8.If you tend to leak air at the sides, you will probably cease this annoying habit. Annoying for you, and for the audience as well.如果你嘴角习惯性漏气,你可能通过这个口型纠正这种让你和观众都讨厌的习惯。

9.But you know all those annoying things she did before?我知道但是以前她那些很烦的特点

10.Bill's an annoying man and I'll be glad to see the last of him.比尔是个很讨厌的人,我很高兴不和他来往。