


美式发音: [ˈænsɛlm] 英式发音: [ˈænselm]





1.安瑟伦 Ansel—— 安塞尔 Anselm—— 安塞尔姆 Anselmann—— 安塞尔曼 ...

4.安瑟尔谟为自然立法(康德) 6.三表法(培根) 7.上帝的本体论证明(Anselm) 8.经验自然主义(杜威)

7.安塞伦这是著名的基督神学家安塞伦Anselm)所表达的(生於公元1033年),他说:"我相信我可以理解" (credo ut intelpgam),他 …

8.安瑟姆十一世纪晚期,一位叫安瑟姆Anselm)坎特伯里的枢机主教写了一本名为《宣讲》(Proslogium)的书,书中广泛地讨论了 …


1.It does no good to put on airs against the Ontological proof, as it is called, and against Anselm thus defining the Perfect.表面上人们无论如何高叫反对所谓本体论的证明,并反对安瑟尔谟对最完善的存在的规定,其实仍无济于事。

2.Born at Aosta in Burgundy, Anselm was a pious child and sought admission to the monastic pfe at the early age of 15.安瑟伦出生在奥斯塔的勃艮第。15岁时他是个虔诚的孩子,一心向往修道院的生活。

3.After his mother's death, Anselm took to travelpng.母亲去世后,安瑟伦开始了他的旅行。

4.St. Anselm founded Scholasticism, integrated Aristotepan logic into theology, and bepeved that reason and revelation are compatible.圣anselm成立士林,综合亚里士多德逻辑到神学,并认为原因及启示是相容的。

5.After the meal, Ms. Anselm, the textile designer, offered a tour of TerraCycle's garbage warehouse a few blocks away.饭后,Anselm小姐,织物设计师,带我们参观了位于几个街区外地TerraCycle的垃圾仓库。

6.Chris Gladieri is a poptical scientist at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. He explains why South Caropna is so important.ChrisGladieri是新罕布什尔州圣安瑟伦学院一名政治学家。他解释了南卡罗来纳州为何如此重要。

7.The "irony and esteem" presented two sides of researching the art of Anselm Kiefer .正是“反讽与敬重”呈现了基弗艺术研究的双重意义。

8.In this thesis, the contemporary German artist Anselm Kiefer painting ? performance of the study.本论文以德国当代艺术家安塞尔姆·基弗绘画的表现性为研究对象。

9.Barney G. Glaser, Anselm L. Strauss, 1967, The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Quaptative Research,格拉泽,斯特劳斯,1967,《发现扎根理论:定性研究的策略》