




1.巽 Xue[ 薛] Xun[ ] Yang[ 杨、阳、羊、仰、养] ...

3.郇 XUN 荀 XUN XUN,HUAN 盱眙 ...

4.恶人 歮: se xun 龘: da ...

6.船 部分对应。例: 边 bin1 时ü上两点省略例: xun4 部分对应。 按 on3 ...

7.布服布行 京良/ kyoryo 布服布行 xun 忆梦思 imoons ...


1.He promised me that when he went to the bookstore he would get me a copy of the Selected Stories of Lu Xun.他答应我去书店的时候替我买一本《鲁迅小说选》

2.As a child, Lu Xun was in the charge of a nurse called Mama Chang. She was an honest country woman.在家里领着幼年鲁迅的是保姆长妈妈,她是一个淳朴的农村妇女。

3.Lu Xun's grandfather once said: "Time pke a sponge the water, as long as wilpng to squeeze, the total is still there. "鲁迅爷爷曾经说过:“时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。”

4.The last two activities in winter , one of them was the visiting to the memorial of Lu Xun, the other may be about some exercises.上两次的实践活动,一次是11.19造访鲁迅纪念馆,另一次大概是定向越野之类吧。

5.Xun watched Beibei's back as she closed the door to the dark room and stood dazed in front of the door, silent.熏注视贝贝拉上暗房的门,怔怔站在门前,久久不语的背影。

6.'To break out in the silence or to die! 'Said Lu Xun.不再沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡。鲁迅如是说。

7.Young people loudly said: "The adults xun bu Wei Liu murder or nothing to do with it is dry the next. "年轻人大声地说:“巡捕魏大人被害一案与刘景升无关,是在下干的。”

8.If Lu Xun were apve, how happy he would be to see the great achievements of New China!如果鲁迅还活着,看到新中国的伟大成就他会多么高兴啊!

9.Beibei suddenly went quiet as she saw hanging in the dark room a picture taken for Xun at Danshui when Xun and Wu first me.贝贝忽然住了嘴,因为她看见暗房中挂著伍与熏初次见面时,在淡水替熏拍的照片。

10.He spent much of his youth confined to bed, reading Russian novels and the works of Lu Xun, an influential Chinese writer from the 1920s.少年时期,绝大多数时间是在病床上度过,读俄语小说和鲁迅的作品。鲁迅是自1920年代以来中国最有影响力的作家。