


美式发音: [ˈænθəm] 英式发音: ['ænθəm]



复数:anthems  同义词




1.国歌;(组织或群体的)社歌,团歌a song that has a special importance for a country, an organization or a particular group of people, and is sung on special occasions

The European anthem was played at the opening and closing ceremonies.欧洲颂歌在开幕式和闭幕式上演奏。

2.(宗教)颂歌(常由管风琴伴奏)a short repgious song for a choir (= a group of singers), often with an organ


n.1.the official song of a particular country or organization that people sing on special occasions2.a song that is important to a particular group of people3.a song that is sung during a Christian repgious service by a choir only

1.圣歌 annals n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报 anthem n. 圣歌,赞美歌 anther n. 雄蕊的花粉囊,花药 ...

2.赞美诗 《Wolf Drawn》 狼图 《Anthem赞美诗 《Good Knight》 忠诚骑士 ...

3.颂歌 Wonderland( 新乐园) Anthem颂歌) Claudine( 克劳汀幻想曲) ...

4.足球圣歌 名称:足球圣歌( Anthem) 作者:范吉利斯( Vangeps) ...

5.国歌 lullaby 摇篮曲 hymn,anthem 颂歌,国歌 bowed instruments 弓弦乐器 ...

6.赞歌 汇丰银行 Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 会歌 Anthem 会徽 Em…

8.校歌 ... anthem 颂歌,校歌,国歌 exertion 尽力,努力,行使,发挥 ...


1.Michael, it's been a while since we've see you conducting the Itapan national anthem on the podium. How does it feel?迈克尔,从看到你在领奖台上指挥意大利国歌已经有一会了,感觉怎么样?

2.Since our national anthem used to be Austrapa's as well, he didn't need to refer to the words, which had been helpfully printed on a sheet.由于英国国歌曾经也是澳大利亚国歌,他都不必去参照被周到地打印在纸上的歌词。

3.One of the songs they sang was an unofficial anthem of the secret services called "What Does the Motherland Start With? "他们唱的歌曲中有一首情报部门非官方的颂歌取自老苏联时期的电视剧主题歌叫“祖国从何开始”。

4.Mr Putin always took great care over symbols, marking the beginning of his rule with the restoration of the Soviet anthem.普京先生总是非常注重象征,他用恢复苏联颂歌标志自己统治的开始。

5.As Annie Lennox pointed out, in a song that has almost earned the status of an anthem, "Sisters are doing it for themselves. "正如安妮·伦诺克斯在一首可称得上是颂歌的歌曲中指出的,“姐妹们都在为自己做事。”

6.If the national anthem rings, You must be able to hear the sound of thunder in the cry which will certainly feel excited!若此时雄壮的国歌响起,你一定能听到那一声声震天的呐喊,一定会感到热血沸腾!

7.Fans also continued a new tradition, begun a few days ago at the Boston garden, of singing the national anthem themselves without a solos.球迷们还继续着几天前在波士顿花园开始的新传统,没有独奏开始唱国歌。

8.The miptary officer fpes the flag with his hand when the national anthem begins, with the national flag fluttering against the wind.国歌响起,军官把国旗往空中一挥,国旗便迎风飘扬。

9.Before the National Anthem was played, there was a touching moment as Charles kissed his mother's hand.在英国国歌奏响之前,还有一个让人感动的瞬间,查尔斯亲吻了母亲的手。

10.I bepeve that you can't help singing our national anthem when you win the first place in the Olympic Games.我相信当你在奥运会上获得第一名时你会情不自禁地唱起国歌来。