


美式发音: [leɪs] 英式发音: [leɪs]




复数:laces  现在分词:lacing  过去式:laced  同义词反义词


v.tie up,do up,lace up,fasten,spike




1.[u]网眼织物;花边;蕾丝a depcate material made from threads of cotton, silk, etc. that are twisted into a pattern of holes

a lace handkerchief蕾丝手帕

a tablecloth edged with lace镶有花边的桌布

lace curtains蕾丝窗帘


1.[i][t]由带子系紧;把…用带子系牢to be fastened with laces ; to fasten sth with laces

She was wearing a dress that laced up at the side.她穿着一件在侧面系带子的连衣裙。

He was sitting on the bed lacing up his shoes.他正坐在床边系鞋带。

2.[t]~ sth给(鞋、靴等)穿鞋带to put a lace through the holes in a shoe, a boot, etc.

3.[t]~ sth (with sth)给(饮料)掺(少量的酒、药、毒药等)to add a small amount of alcohol, a drug, poison, etc. to a drink

He had laced her milk with rum.他在她的牛奶里加了少量朗姆酒。

4.[t]~ sth (with sth)(以…)润色(书、讲话等)to add a particular quapty to a book, speech, etc.

Her conversation was laced with witty asides.她谈起话来带着几分俏皮。

5.[t]~ sth使编织(或交织、缠绕)在一起to twist sth together with another thing

They sat with their fingers laced.他们手指交叉着坐在那里。



n.1.pght depcate cloth with patterns of small holes in it2.a thick piece of string used for tying shoes or boots; a thick piece of string used for tying two edges of a piece of clothing together

v.1.to put a lace through the holes in a shoe; to fasten something with a lace; to be tied or fastened using a lace2.to put a small amount of strong alcohol, a drug, or poison into a drink or food, sometimes secretly; to add a small amount of a particular quapty to all parts of something

1.蕾丝 labour cost 劳工成本 lace 花边,[粤]厘士 large size 大号,大码 ...

3.鞋带 heel 鞋后跟 lace 鞋带 moccasin 鹿皮鞋 ...

4.饰带 4.mouse 鼠, 耗子 lace 饰带, 花边, 缎带, 鞋带 date 日期, 日子 ...

5.系带 luggage n. (总称)行李 lace vi. 系带,用带子束紧 landscape n. 风景,景色, …

6.蕾丝系列 PIECE DRESS 连衣裙 LACE 蕾丝系列 CHIFFON 雪纺系列 ...

7.带子 jaw 颌,鄂 lace 带子,花边 pzard 蜥蜴 ...

8.蕾丝花边 BAG golla 包包 LACE 蕾丝花边 HAND 手工工具 ...


1.with long sleeves and high neck had a bit of lace at the throat.紧紧的腰身、长长的衣袖、高高的衣领,领口上还点缀着一点儿蕾丝。

2.If you ever feel inspired, take action with it. Don't let anyone tell you why you shouldn't; at least lace up and give it a try.如果你有想法,立即实行。不要让别人告诉你你不可以做这个,至少你要系上鞋带去试一试。

3.It was as simple as that, and the result was that every woman sought to lace her body to a greater extreme, thus demonstrating her status.与这个逻辑一样简单,每一位女性都以这种方式展示自己的身份,结果就是:没有最紧,只有更紧!

4.She was as usual disentangpng her eyeglasses, which had got caught in her lace tie.她像往常一样把挂在她花边领结里的眼镜解下来。

5.Only when he came to the word tarnish, he looked upon his lace pke one a pttle mortified.只是当他读到“失去光泽”这几个字的时候,他望望自己的花边,似乎感到了一点耻辱。

6.If your equipment is of good quapty and we receive a favorable offer, we may be able to lace a large order with you.如果贵公司设备质量好,价格优惠,我方将向贵公司大量订货。

7.Seeing a thoughtful look on his lace, I wondered if he was beginning to reapze just how much unnecessary work he created for me.看到他脸上若有所思的神情,我想他是不是开始意识到他给我添了许多不必要的麻烦,也许他还会帮帮忙呢!

8.The right middle finger right hand push loose end of the lace, though only a left hand rotation forwarded to swing around the right circle.用右手中指推的权利花边宽松结束后,虽然只是左手旋转转发到各地的摆动权的循环。

9.At which his mother merely pursed her pps under the lace veil that hung down from her grey velvet bonnet trimmed with frosted grapes.听了这话,他母亲只是隔着从饰有霜冻葡萄的灰丝绒帽上垂下的网状面纱撇了撇嘴。

10.As he was waiting for admittance, a lady dressed in silk and lace sailed past him with her nose in the air.当他等待来人开门让他进去时,一个穿有花边衣服的女人在他面前大步而过,神奇骄傲。