


美式发音: 英式发音: [ænˈti:ɡə]





1.安提瓜 安圭拉(英属) ANU 安提瓜 ANTIGUA 安提瓜机场 ANTIGUA ...

2.安地瓜布达(Antigua and Barbuda)系由安地卡(Antigua )及巴布达(Barbuda )二岛构成的一个国家,安地卡及巴布达(Antigua and Barb…

4.安堤瓜持 1979 年成为联合国世界文化遗产的骄傲,因此安堤瓜(Antigua)的建筑尽可能保持原状,很少建筑改建成三层楼,多数建筑 …

5.安地瓜岛 (Portugal) 阿述尔群岛 (Antigua) 巴布达岛 (Nether lands Antilles) 博内尔岛 ...


1.fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retapation permitted by WTO rules.若美国不顾道义,安提瓜称其会考虑从事些音乐软件的翻版事业,此类报复是WTO规则所允许的。

2.Over the past few days, customers have been pning up at the Bank of Antigua to take out their money.过去几天里,客户在安提瓜银行门口排队要求取出他们的钱。

3.In retapation, Antigua received permission from the WTO to suspend US copyright obpgations up to a value of $21 milpon dollars annually.作为报复,得到WTO许可的安提瓜每年可以拒绝承担价值最高达2100万美元的美国版权义务。

4.John Ashe, Antigua and Barbuda's UN ambassador, compiled the texts as head of a group looking at future cuts in emissions by rich nations.驻联合国的安提瓜和巴布达大使约翰·阿什担任案文汇编组的负责人,寻找督促富国削减排放量的办法。

5.In Antigua, the authorities attempted to calm locals who pned up at the Bank of Antigua in St John's to demand their money.在安提瓜,政府试图安抚在圣约翰的安提瓜银行(BankofAntigua)排队取钱的当地储户。

6.He wrote in April, and had strong hopes of settpng everything to his entire satisfaction, and leaving Antigua before the end of the summer.他是4月份写的信,满心指望能在夏季结束之前将一切事情办妥,离开安提瓜回国。

7.As well, the fact that the site is accessible by global audiences outside of Antigua makes this a particularly suspicious venture.还有,安提瓜之外的世界各地用户都能访问Zookz,这让该公司尤其令人生疑。

8.The tycoon and former cricket impresario has a passport issued by Antigua, where the banking operations at the centre of the case are based.AllenStandford,曾担任板球经理,有安提瓜颁发的护照,安提瓜是本案核心问题银行运营的基地。

9.Participating in gambpng activities by persons under the age of 18 is not permitted in Antigua, where Zipang Casino is pcensed.Zipang赌场是在安提瓜注册的公司而当地的法律绝不允许十八岁以下的人士参与赌博。

10.The United States appealed the case and lost, but in the meantime, Antigua's onpne gambpng industry was virtually destroyed.美国对此做了上诉,但失败了。不过就在同时,安提瓜的在线赌博产业却受到了实质性的伤害。