


美式发音: [ˈæntiˌvaɪrəs] 英式发音: ['ænti.vaɪrəs]






1.防病毒的;杀毒的designed to find and destroy computer viruses

antivirus software杀毒软件


adj.1.antivirus software finds and removes computer virusesharmful programs before they can damage your computer system

1.防病毒 ... ESET NOD32 Antivirus 防病毒软件) ...

7.防毒软件 个人区域网络产品( PAN) 防毒软件Antivirus) 整合式安全防护( UTM) ...

8.抗病毒素 antiviral a. 抗病毒的 antivirus n. 抗病毒素 anxiety n. 挂念, 焦虑; 渴望 ...


1.Its root and rhizome have been used for antifungal, antitumor, antitussive and expectorant, antiasthma, antivirus and antioxidation.在我国黑龙江省民间以根及根茎入药,具有抗真菌、抗肿瘤、镇咳祛痰、平喘降压、抗病毒和抗氧化等作用。

2.The expectation that antivirus software will protect a system from all threats is no longer reasonable (if it ever was).期望防毒软件能够保护一个系统远离所有类型的威胁已经不再合理(即便曾经合理过)。

3.Any attachment that you want to view should be saved first, and then scanned with an up-to-date antivirus program before you open it.要想查看附件,应先将其保存,然后在打开前,先用最新的防病毒程序进行扫描。

4.If you suspect a keylogger is on your PC, update your antivirus software of choice and give it a full run.如果你怀疑你的电脑上有键盘记录器,更新你的反病毒软件的病毒库,并且把它完整的运行一遍。

5.We're not going to sit here and tell you to go without antivirus, since that would be irresponsible.我们不会坐下来告诉你其实还是裸奔好,因为那样不负责任。

6.If and when antivirus makers are able to fortify desktop computers, chances are the criminals will have already moved on to smartphones.等到反病毒制造商有能力保护台式电脑时,犯罪分子可能已经转战智能手机了。

7.VIPRE is the end of antivirus software as you know it.VIPRE是结束杀毒软件,你知道这一点。

8.Seven days off, their growth speed very fast, in their emotional also got a breakthrough in the heart, and also to pack antivirus software!7天下来,自己的成长速度非常之快,自己在情绪上也得到了一个一个地突破,也在心里装杀毒软件了!

9.Other antivirus vendors trying to protect against rootkits include McAfee and FSecure.其它试图查杀rootkit木马的反病毒厂商还有McAfee和FSecure。

10.If you have already installed an antivirus program on your computer, it's important that you keep it up to date.如果已在计算机中安装防病毒程序,则将保持其为最新状态非常重要。