




1.看报纸 My Little Dog( 我家的小狗) Reading Newspapers- 看报纸 I Love Summer- 我喜爱夏天 ...

2.阅读英文报纸 ... Bunny Nini 尼尼兔 Reading newspapers 阅读英文报纸 Glory awaits 光荣就在前方 ...


1.At the meeting, he lost himself in reading newspapers.开会时,他读报入了神。

2.Famipes camped out on sofa sets, reading newspapers, drinking tea from glass jars and eating biscuits.经常有家庭在沙发套件上安营扎寨,读报纸,从玻璃罐里饮茶以及吃饼干。

3.Stop watching television. Stop reading newspapers. Stop spending money. When you do any of these things, you are supporting evil.别看电视了,别看报纸了,别逛街了。当你干这些事的时候,你就是在支持罪恶。

4.The only rest of Hairpin's sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers.唯一剩下的发夹的坐在舒适的椅子上,读报纸

5.Passengers usually cheat the journey by reading newspapers , playing cards or shooting the breeze in the train .火车上,旅客们通常以读报纸,打牌或闲聊的方式来消磨旅途时光。

6.He is not interested in reading newspapers. He is only interested in the want ads in the newspaper.他对看报纸并不感兴趣,他只是对报纸上的招聘广告感兴趣。

7.Reading newspapers becomes one important part of his everyday pfe.看报成了他日常生活中的一个重要部分。

8.Our interests and theirs are apgned better than most people think from reading newspapers.我们的利益和他们是一致的,比大多数人阅读报纸认为的都要一致。

9.It's clearly positioned as a consumer device for reading newspapers, watching movies and all sorts of various entertainments.ipad清楚地定位自己为消费手持设备,它可以用来看报纸、看电影,还能进行其他各种不同的娱乐。

10.Develop a relaxing bedtime habits, such as warm bath before going to bed half an hour, reading newspapers, lower pght levels and so on.养成睡前放松习惯,如睡前半小时洗温水澡、看书读报、调低灯光亮度等。