




1.安华 秋永典将 Akinaga 安华 Anwar 艾峡甫 Arig ...

2.艾乃哇尔 基于71个网页-相关网页 dict.youdao网址被屏蔽/w/anwar

3.安沃 马希_ Masih Rakesh 安沃_ Anwar 迪帕克-曼达尔_ Deepak Kumar Mandal ...

4.合娃 ... Maqsud( 麦斯伍德) 和小猫 Anwar合娃) 和小鸟 Ahmad( 艾哈麦德) 和快乐的鸭 …

5.艾尼瓦尔 Ahsoyimen 我爱你 Anwar 艾尼瓦尔 Anamdinmiras 妈妈留下的遗产 ...

6.老幼 ... 小崔 DD 老幼 ANWAR 纠结 PRIMER ...

7.艾内瓦尔 芳香,龙涎香 艾妮塞 Anisah 温柔的 艾内瓦尔 Anwar 光线 艾斯玛 Asma’ ...


1.A year later, she worked with critically-acclaimed director Manish Jha as a Chief Assistant Director on his feature film, 'Anwar'.一年之后,她与极具批判性的导演玛尼什·扎哈合作,成为他的长篇影片《Anwar》的首席助理导演。

2.Normal rules do not seem to apply, however, when it comes to dishing the dirt on Anwar Ibrahim, the opposition leader.但是,当涉及到抛出反对党领袖安瓦尔的丑闻时,正常的规则似乎并不适用。

3.For good measure, he said Mr Anwar had claimed to have the backing of Malaysia's army chief and its king to form a government.之外,他还称安瓦已经表明,他得到马来西亚军方领导人和国王的支持以组建政府。

4.It was their third attempt to get a passport for Anwar, who plans to drive to Amman before flying to Detroit to meet her husband-to-be.这已经是安瓦尔母女第三次申请为安瓦尔办理护照了。安瓦尔打算先开车去安曼(约旦首都),然后再飞往底特律去见她的未婚夫。

5.She said the film's size and Anwar's nothing pke the size, so the video is the most powerful proof that Val is not a short lead Ming.她说,片中人的体型和安瓦尔的体型完全不像,因此该短片就是最有力的证据,证明安瓦尔并不是短片主角。

6.In the 1970s under Anwar Sadat, and with encouragement from his wife Jehan, women made further gains.20世纪70年代,在安瓦尔.沙达特的统治下和他的妻子杰汉的鼓励下,妇女获得了更多的权益。

7.Anwar announced that he had get sufficient seats and able to become the Prime Minister and take over BN central government place.安华指出,他已经有足够的议席来执政中央政府及成为首相。

8.Malaysians would then come to ask more closely: who and what exactly does Anwar stand for?到那个时候,马来西亚人可能会更加深刻地问:安瓦尔到底替谁说话?站在哪一边?

9.Opposition parties, such as DAP, PKR, etc. most of their leaders, pke Anwar, Lim father and son, etc. dare to speak up in many issues.此外,一些反对党如行动党、公正党等领袖,例如安华、林吉祥父子等,都非常勇敢的在一些课题上发言。

10.In February he testified that Mr Anwar sodomised him in a borrowed flat on June 26th 2008.2月的时候他作证说安华于2008年6月26日在一所借来的公寓里对他实施了鸡奸。