




1.伏地魔 『那个人』 You-Know-Who 佛地魔 Voldemort 怪角 Kreacher ...

3.黑魔王 【Start】 开始 【Voldemort黑魔王 【The reapty is revealed】 即将揭 …

4.拉尔夫·费因斯 罗彼·考特拉尼 - Hagrid 拉尔夫·费因斯 - Voldemort 迈克尔·刚本 - Dumbled…

5.佛地魔或那个人 ... Professor Severus Snape( 石内卜教授) Voldemort( 佛地魔或那个人) Dobby( 多比) ...

6.佛地魔王在上期读者回函投票中,最佳大反派佛地魔王(Voldemort)以些微差距击败在第七集中演技精湛的最佳悲情角色-混血王子赛佛勒 …

7.马沃罗  搜索关键字:主角:十六夜(夜)┃配角:纳吉尼(Nagini),汤姆.马沃罗(Voldemort)┃其它:HP其他人。854d9fca60b4bd07f9bb215d…


1.We've accompanied the young wizard on many missions in preparation for his inevitable epic battle against the dark lord Voldemort.我们陪伴着年轻的魔法师为他与黑魔王伏地魔史诗般的宿命之战做着各种准备。如今,结局就要到来了。

2.The truth is that she had met Peter Pettigrew at an inn there and he had led her to Voldemort.事实上,她在那里的旅店遇到了小矮星彼得,他把她带给了伏地魔。

3.Who for a sppt second seemed to think he had been reprieved: but then Voldemort's intention became clear.有那么一瞬间斯内普还以为自己被宽恕了:但是是伏地魔的用意马上就清楚了。

4.It is possible that if Harry performs magic, he might draw the attention of Death Eaters or even of Voldemort.可能是因为如果哈利施了魔法,就有可能引起食死徒甚至伏地魔的注意。

5."I thought he would come, " said Voldemort in his high, clear voice, his eyes on the leaping flames. "I expected him to come. "“我原以为他会来的,”伏地魔看着跳动的火苗,用他高亢、清楚的声音说道,“我原指望他会来的。”

6.One of Voldemort's aims seems to be to preserve wizard kind, a goal that is not in itself necessarily unethical or irrational.伏地魔的目的之一似乎是要维持巫师种族,这种目标本身并没有不合伦理与常理。

7."Stop saying the name! " said Ron in a terrified whisper, as if he thought Voldemort could hear them.“别再说那个名字了!”罗恩惊慌地小声说,仿佛担心伏地魔会听见似的。

8.Draco Malfoy has been called upon by Lord Voldemort himself to carry out a mission of great importance and greater consequence.德拉科•马尔福已被伏地魔召唤,去完成一项艰巨的任务并承担重大的后果。

9.When he was 15, he understood that he was the only person who can kill the Dark Lord, Voldemort.当他15岁时,他忽然发明本人是世上独一能够杀失落伏天魔的人。

10.Fight double-vision and two ears horizontally, the beard on both sides, tail slapping ground up, two forelegs, ready to voldemort leaping.争斗时瞳孔放大,两耳平伸,胡须向两边竖起,尾巴拍打地面,两前肢伏地,随时准备跃起。