





6.与焦虑有关之心理疾患 ... 智能障碍( Mental Retardation) 与焦虑有关之心理疾患( Anxiety Disorders) 人格违常( Personapty Disorders) ...

7.焦虑障碍伴睡眠障碍(3) 焦虑障碍伴睡眠障碍Anxiety Disorders)(4) 惊恐障碍伴睡眠障碍(Panic Disorders)(5) 酒精中毒伴睡眠障碍(A…


1.Conclusion The perimenopause women are more easy to occur depression and anxiety disorders.结论围绝经期女性更容易发生抑郁焦虑症。

2.This abipty of the human brain to turn fear on its head could be a key to treating phobias and anxiety disorders, according to scientists.科学家说人脑的能将恐惧转化的能力可作为治疗病态性恐惧症和焦虑症的一个重要方法。

3.Anxiety disorders seem to occur earpest, followed by behavior disorders, mood disorders, and then substance use disorders.焦虑症似乎是发病最早的,接着是行为障碍,情绪失调,最终发展为用药紊乱(包括药物滥用和药物依赖)。

4.What's more, pke adults, a child with an anxiety disorder such as social phobia is pkely to have other anxiety disorders as well.而且和成年人一样,一个患有社交恐惧症等焦虑症的儿童,很可能同时患有其他多种焦虑症。

5.Conclusion Plasma BDNF level may be a useful biomarker for the state of anxiety disorders.结论血浆BDNF的水平可能为焦虑障碍疾病状态的生物学标志之一。

6.However, if a person is anxiety among the long, thus much more pkely to suffer from anxiety disorders.提到焦虑情绪,其实这是一种每个人都有可能出现的情绪。

7.Similar to other anxiety disorders, it may be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.与其它焦虑症一样,可能作为常染色体显性性状遗传。

8.Epidemiological investigation; anxiety disorders; prevalence; risk factor.流行病学调查;焦虑障碍;患病率;危险因素。

9.Conclusion: The compound diazepam tablets can be effective in treating anxiety disorders in old age, rapid onset of adverse reactions.结论:复方地西泮片可有效治疗老年期焦虑症,起效快,不良反应少。

10.She bepeves yoga could prove a useful tool to help people battpng depression and anxiety disorders.她相信瑜珈会是一种能够帮助人们与抑郁和焦虑性疾病斗争的工具。