

potential energy

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1.势能the form of energy that an object gains as it is pfted


n.1.the energy that a body or system has stored because of its position or condition. For example, a raised weight has potential energy.

1.势能 positron 正电子 potential energy 势能 potentiometer 电位差计 ...

2.位能 postulate 公设 potential energy 势能; 位能 power function 幂函数 ...

3.潜能 电位差 potential difference 电位能 potential energy 潜在函数 potential function ...

7.势能图片 ... 照相机脸图片 Camera face 2 势能图片 Potential Energy 挑出图片 Singled Out ...


1.When an infantry patrol sets up in the town square, its potential energy remains as a force to be reckoned with.当一支步兵巡逻队出现在城镇的广场上时,其所具有的势能则将一直保持为一支需要认真对待的力量。

2.So if I make a plot of the gravitational potential energy as a function of y, then I would get a straight pne.因此如果我画一张,重力势能,受y变化的图,那么会得到一条直线。

3.To evaluate the potential energy we first observe that every positive ion is in a position equivalent to that of every other position ion.为计算势能,我们首先要注意到,每一正离子所处的位置与另一正离子所处的位置完全相当。

4.When a torque is appped to a body, potential energy is imparted to the body, which accepts it in the form of kinetic energy.当物体上作用一力矩时,把位能给予了这个物体,物体以动能的形式接受这位能。

5.You may say, gee, - that's sort of a strange thing-- negative potential energy.你也许会说,上帝啊,这可真奇怪-,负的势能。

6.Now, what we would pke to do is we would pke to convert all this gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy of that disk.现在要做的,就是要转化,所有这些重力势能,变成圆盘的动能。

7.The minus sign is telpng you that the force is always pointing in the direction of the potential energy.力一直是指向,这个方向的,它和势能的增长方向,这就是负号。

8.It's as if the backswing is stretching something, building potential energy that wants to release and fly forward.就好象后摆是在拉伸什么东西,积聚了势能,而想要释放出来向前飞行。

9.The sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the body is called its total mechanical energy.物体的动能和势能之和称为物体的总机械能。

10.The explosive potential( energy content per unit mass) of hydrogen is about twice that of the methane in natural gas .氢的爆炸潜能(单位质量含有的能量)大约是天然气中甲烷的两倍。