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1.As a result of any all make use of the primary colors of the combination of different proportioner, ink color change is the use of this law.由于任何一栽颜色都能诳骗不一原色的差别比例搀和调不败,油不朱的色相保持正是诳骗这个次序。

2.But pke any all- encompassing systems, food fascism can be quite hard to pve with.但像所有兼容并包的体系一样,人们会很难接受食物法西斯主义。

3.Calculated has had any, all respectively shouldered that piece of day.就算发生了什么,都各自扛下了那一片天。

4.So, on adding any all same as a, just finally of on ising not necessarily original a, but the most suitable match your a.所以,一加任何都等于一,只是最后的一不一定是原来的一,而是最适合你的一。

5.Nor had I seen any all day.而且一整天我也没看到任何游客。

6.Goes, overseas, does not have parents' asylum, washes clothes prepares food and so on any all to have own to do.去、国外,没有父母的庇护,洗衣做饭等等什么的都得自己来做。

7.If you get started early enough before your exams you will find you don't need to put in any all-nighters.只要你尽早开始复习迎考,那就没有开夜车的必要了。

8.I am looking for game consoles, games, cell phones, lap tops, any & all electronics. Top quipty, great prices.我欲购买游戏机,游戏,手机,圈上衣,任何及所有的电子产品,要求物美价廉。

9.If not will they 2 remove an of words, they are any all impossibly only big!如果不将他们两家除去一家的话,他们任何一家都不可能会独大!

10.Maybe wouldn't need any all week.也许,整个星期将不需要入货。