


美式发音: ['dʒiɔvani] 英式发音: ['dʒiɔva:ni:]





1.乔瓦尼 ... ["Romano"] 罗马诺"} ["Giovanni"] 吉欧凡尼"} ["Anselmo"] 安西姆"} ...

4.乔凡尼族 独立乔凡尼族Giovanni)和其他氏族相比,乔凡尼族也许贬多于褒,其族人大多是企业家或死灵法师。藉由玩弄世俗凡人的 …

5.吉奥瓦尼之所以有这个绰号,原因是丁托列托的父亲吉奥瓦尼Giovanni)是个染匠(“tinto”是染匠的意思,“tintoretto”的意思则是小染 …


7.乔凡尼麦迪奇然而,1382年,沙威特因独裁残暴而遭驱逐;尔后乔凡尼麦迪奇Giovanni)重振家业,使此家族成了全义大利,甚至全欧洲 …

8.吉欧瓦尼并自命名为教堂的红衣主教和教堂副主管。做为教皇的他,任命他的年龄最大的私生子,吉欧瓦尼Giovanni)为公爵和红衣 …


1.Giovanni felt as if he were talking to a very small child.乔凡尼觉得自己就好像同一个小孩在说话。

2.Clear and to the point but without closing the door completely on Giovanni Trapattoni: that's Paolo Maldini.明确而中肯,但并未完全向乔万尼·特拉帕托尼关上大门,这就是保罗·马尔蒂尼。

3.My fathers science has done this to us. Bepeve me, Giovanni, I did not ask him to do this to you. I only wanted to love you.是我父亲的科研造成我们这样的,相信我,乔万尼,我并没有让他这样做,我只是想爱你。

4.The flowers were turning brown! Giovanni's face became very white as he stared at himself in the mirror.花朵变成了棕色!当他注视着镜子里的自己时,乔瓦尼的顿时变得一片苍白。

5.That was the story Giovanni told me when he was coming out of that relapse.这是乔凡尼从再次堕落中走出来时给我讲的故事。

6.but she looked full into Giovanni's eyes, and responded to his gaze of uneasy suspicion with a queenpke haughtiness.但她正视乔万尼的眼睛,对他不安猜疑的目光,报以女王般的高傲。

7.Giovanni shouted as soon as he reached her. "And with your poison you have made me into a monster, too. I am a prisoner of this garden. "乔万尼一看到贝雅特丽丝就冲她喊道:“你用你的毒使我也变成了恶魔,现在我也成了这个花园里的囚徒。”

8.Giovanni Pasquale plays a one-two with Recoba on the left wing . The full-back races on to the ball but the Belgians win possession.帕斯夸莱与雷科巴在左翼做了一次二过一,小帕全速追赶但球仍被比利时人控制。

9.And then, finally, Spain had natural width and someone to run at Giovanni van Bronckhorst, who eventually had to be replaced.终于,西班牙得到了宽度,并找到了杀向范布隆克霍斯特的人选,并迫使后者最后被换下。

10.Bepeve me, Giovanni, I did not ask him to do this to you.相信我,乔凡尼,我并没有让他对你这样。