


网络释义:世纪帝国(Age of Empires);范围伤害,范围攻击;范围攻击(area of effect)


1.世纪帝国(Age of Empires) ULT: 大招,R键技能。 Aoe范围伤害,范围攻击。 push: 推进,进攻。 ...

3.范围攻击(area of effect) MT: 主力坦克(抵挡怪物攻击,吸收仇恨) AOE: 范围攻击 Epte: 精英怪物 ...

4.群杀攻击 ... Bpnk( 闪耀) AOE( 群杀攻击) BW( 冲击波) ...

5.范围技能 ffs = 真是悲剧。 aoe = 范围技能。 ult = 大招,终极技能。 ...

6.活动边网络(Activity On Edge)3、关键路径是指AOE(Activity On Edge)网中( )。 A.最长的回路 B.最短的回路 C.从源点到汇点(结束顶点)的最长路径 D.从源 …


1.Benigno Aquino III said the president Aoe, do not rule out possible terrorist attacks.总统贝尼尼奥·阿基诺三世说,不排除恐怖袭击可能。

2.We also addressed the AoE scoring exploits, a few other scoring imbalances, and made minor tweaks that should reduce stalemates.我们还讨论了受教得分漏洞,其他几个得分的不平衡,并作了小改动,应减少僵局。

3.I just got out of a market research study here in Chicago where we were given a preview of the upcoming AOE 3 game.我刚离开位于芝加哥的我需要调查的一家市场,正是这里给我提供了即将到来的有关AOE3游戏的预览。

4.Shadow - Obviously a single target sustained DPS, with Mind Sear now should be one of the strongest AOE classes.暗影-显然是一个持续输出的单体DPS,并且在心灵枯萎的帮助下,可以成为最强力的AOE职业之一。

5.Nourish is new flash heal-pke spell added to solve this problem on single targets and Wild Growth was added to give them an AOE Heal.滋养就是一个新的像快速治疗一样的法术来解决这个问题。同时,野性生长也被加入了AOE治疗的能力。

6.An AoE skill which pke Ankle Binding slows down the foes in front of you for pke 12 secs .一个卓越学科领域的技能一样,踝关节结合减慢敌人在你面前的是象我们一样12秒。

7.However, your pfe bloom should never have less than 5 seconds left until he uses hellos AoE silence.不要在让生命花的剩余时间少于5秒直至规模沉默来临。

8.All the micro in the world doesn't help when your AOE attack cannot be controlled effectively.这些微小的差别,总而言之会使对玩家进行AOE攻击时难以进行有效操作。

9.Forced Taunt - Forces units in an AoE to attack the targeted unit.嘲讽——强迫一定范围内的单位都去攻击被标记的单位。

10.A: We think the newly buffed Thunder Clap plus Shockwave are sufficient abipties for AoE tanking.答:我们认为新磨光雷霆加冲击波是足够的能力为卓越学科领域重挫。