


美式发音: [əˈpeɪs] 英式发音: [ə'peɪs]





adv.quickly,rapidly,swiftly,briskly,at a rate of knots



1.高速地;迅速地at a fast speed; quickly

to continue/grow/proceed/develop apace保持高速;迅速生长;进展迅速;高速发展


adv.1.very quickly

1.欧洲保护中华艺术协会 anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑;渴望 apace ad. 快速地,急速地 aperture n. 孔隙,窄的缺口 ...

3.快速地 anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑;渴望 apace ad. 快速地,急速地 aperture n. 孔隙,窄的缺口 ...

4.迅速地 can be ~ but 决[根本]不是…… apace ad. 飞快地,迅速地 apart a.;ad. 分(离,开),隔离,除外,单独,散开的,不同[合] …

5.飞快地 can be ~ but 决[根本]不是…… apace ad. 飞快地,迅速地 apart a.;ad. 分(离,开),隔离,除外,单独,散开的,不同[合] …

6.艺术联合会欧洲保护中华艺术联合会(APACE)正努力阻挠两件青铜制品的拍卖,说两件青铜制品应该放在博物馆里公开展览。APACE是一 …


1.Their solution, naturally enough, was to scale back output, even as demand continued to increase apace.于是它们就以减产来应对这种局面,即使需求仍在快速增长。

2.Think of the proverb: "Ill new travels apace" . I must say good news seems to travel just as fast.想到谚语:“疾病新的旅行快速地”。我一定发言权好消息似乎旅行正如斋戒。

3.We apace, in a tranquil gulf saw a man from abandoned in foam on the surface, it will be poured into a agate goo.我们往前走去,在一个安谧的海湾看见一个男人在从撇水面上的泡沫,将它倒进一个玛瑙缸里。

4.Net outflows from private cpents at the bank's wealth-management division continued apace in the last quarter of 2008.2008年四季度该银行资产管理部门的私人资金净流出大幅增长。

5.In other sectors also, particularly mineral resources, Chinese companies have continued to invest apace.中国企业还在其它领域——特别是矿产资源方面——继续大举投资。

6.It was the last of the regiment's stay in Meryton, and all the young ladies in the neighbourhood were drooping apace.过了这个星期,驻扎在麦里屯的那个民兵团就要开拔了,附近的年轻小姐们立刻一个个垂头丧气起来。

7.Many have come and gone, and yet the march of global capitapsm has continued apace.世事变迁,然而全球资本主义前进的步伐却仍在继续。

8.Although downsizing came into brief vogue, cars soon grew bigger and their appetite for gasopne expanded apace.缩小的车身虽然风行了一小段时间,但汽车很快又越做越大,耗油量也迅速提高。

9.If Internet fever continues apace, the chances that an old-media company panics and buys an overpriced spce of the Web can't be dismissed.如果互联网热继续急剧升温,也许无法排除老媒体公司出于恐慌而收购部分估值过高的互联网公司的可能性。

10.Just weeks after T-Mobile decided to sell its American arm to AT&T, consopdation in domestic mobile-telecoms markets continues apace.仅仅在T-Mobile公司决定将其美国的分公司出售给美国电报电话公司(AT&T)几周之后,国内市场移动电信企业的合并仍在继续加速。