


美式发音: ['eɪpə] 英式发音: ['eɪpə]


网络释义:倍嘉;亚太地区教育评论(Asia Pacific Education Review);模仿者



1.倍嘉 "消化不能"," apepsia" "欧洲野猪"," aper;European wild boar;Sus scrofa" "心尖跳动"," apex beat" ...

4.模仿者 ... 125.Boer 波尔人 126.aper 模仿者,学样者 doer 行为者,实干家 ...

5.艾珀尔 双立人( Zwilpng) A派( APER) 皇冠( CROWN) ...

7.台湾A派 苏泊尔/ supor 台湾A派/ Aper 台湾阿里山/ apshan ...


1.Children, take out one piece ofp aper, but don't tear it out from your notebook.孩子们,拿出一张纸,但是不要从你的作业本上撕。

2.The interviewer reviewed the new aper and renewed his viewpoint on the news.采访者再次查看了报纸并更新了他对该新闻的看法。

3.If we form the habit of reading the new aper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.如果我们养成英语日常生活短文看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知英语短文带翻译识来因应我们的环境。

4.I'm a photographer. I work for a new aper in Beijing.我是一个摄影师。我在北京一家报社工作。

5.Aper company announced plans to shut down their shixianbailu product pne.aper公司宣布将关闭自己的超级压光纸生产线。

6.The rapid development of on-pne journal and electronic journal ha rought ew challenge to the aper journals.网络期刊、电子期刊的迅猛发展给纸质期刊带来了新的挑战;

7.Er, have you read about Table Te is of Olympics in today's new aper , Mi ?呃,小姐,你看过今天报纸上的奥运乒乓球赛吗?

8.In all, there are 89 foreign PE firms and 394 local PE firms operating in China at the moment, according to APER.《亚洲直接投资评论》的数据显示,目前总计有89家外国私人股本公司和394家本土私人股本公司在华运营。