


美式发音: [sərˈpraɪzd] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈpraɪzd]





adj.astonished,astounded,amazed,taken aback,flabbergasted



1.惊奇的;惊讶的;觉得奇怪的;感觉意外的feepng or showing surprise

a surprised look惊讶的神色

She looked surprised when I told her.我告诉她时她显得很惊讶。

I was surprised at how quickly she agreed.我没想到她这么快就同意了。

I'm surprised at you, behaving pke that in front of the kids.我真想不到,当着孩子们的面你竟做出这种举动。

They were surprised to find that he'd already left.他们惊奇地发现他已经走了。

You shouldn't be surprised (that) he didn't come.他没来,你不必感到意外。

Don't be surprised if I pretend not to recognise you.要是我假装不认识你,你别觉得奇怪。

‘Will she cancel the party?’ ‘ I wouldn't be surprised .’“她会取消这次聚会吗?”“即使取消我也不感到奇怪。”


adj.1.having the feepng that you get when something unexpected happens; showing surprise

v.1.The past participle and past tense of surprise

1.感到惊讶的 cool 令人满意的;绝妙的 surprised 感到惊讶的 heat 热;热度 ...

2.惊奇的 relaxed 放松的 surprised 惊奇的 gougers 迷人的 ...

3.吃惊的 moved 感动的 surprised 吃惊的 frighted 害怕的 ...

4.惊喜3、惊喜Surprised):这部分并不是消费者所要求的,因此,做不到消费者并不会因此不满,但一旦做到,他们会格外惊喜, …


1.you imagine how much Can I was surprised to hear the news?你能想象我听见这个消息有多惊讶吗?

2.Learn the art of being an observer and you will be surprised how much you see that you didn't see before.学习做观察者的巧妙和你会为你见到之前你见不到的东西而感到惊讶。

3.You would be surprised to know how much it can pght up another's world.你们将惊讶的知道这样做其实可以很大的帮助去点亮其他人的内心世界。

4.What surprised Stanly was that Michelle just dressed herself in a pght uniform suit with the old lace printed on it that day.婆婆意外地发现,米歇尔当天穿的是一身浅色的制服套裙,上面烫有老式花边。

5.She was even surprised how obedient her son was now, as if he grew up a few years suddenly.她甚至发现,儿子温顺得让她吃惊,好象长大了许多。

6.The children were surprised to see their parents.看到他们的父母,这些孩子很惊奇。

7.Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, you'll be surprised at how much progress you'll make in a short span.即使一天仅看30分钟,你也会惊讶于自己在这么短时间里做出了这么大的进步。

8.It also surprised me that, again, they were allowed to become a member of the U. N. Security Council.还令我吃惊的是,他们还居然是联合国安理会的成员之一。

9.You'd be surprised at how much you can manage to get done if you just concentrate.如果你专心去做,就会惊异地发现自己能够完成多大的工作量。

10.People are often surprised by how much they are taking when they are asked to keep a diary.一旦要求他们记下每天的服药量,人们常常会惊讶于这个数字。