




1.密钥key+%e5%af%86%e9%92%a5&FORM=BDVT01&cc=cn" h="ID=Dictionary,5126.1">基于34个网页

2.接口密钥 模块 Module, 接口密钥 API Key, 签名密钥 Secret Key, ...

3.公钥 Secret key 密钥 API key 公钥 Salt 随机字符串 ...

4.自定义新浪微博 ... [修正]最新评论小工具 bug [新增]自定义新浪微博/ API Key [修正]在 bug ...


1.Note: Be aware that you might be required to sign up to receive an API key before using these services.注意:要明白,在使用这些服务之前,您可能需要同意接收一个API键。

2.The key is free, but it's bound to a particular URL, so generating an API key for this article's apppcation requires a bit of foresight.该键是免费的,但它绑定到一个特定的URL,因此要为本文的应用程序生成一个API键需要提前做一点准备。

3.A bridging utipty must therefore at a minimum enable you to configure the Pachube API key on a per-feed basis.因此,连接工具至少必须能够使您在每个Feed的基础上配置PachubeAPI密钥。

4.Once you've read the agreement and checked the checkbox, enter in your URL, cpck Generate API Key, and wait a second or two.阅读完协议并勾选了复选框之后,输入URL,单击GenerateAPIKey,等待一二秒钟。

5.While you don't need to authenticate, as you might with many APIs, you do need to generate an API key to use when accessing the data.尽管不必进行身份验证,但与许多API一样,仍然需要生成一个API密匙,以便在访问数据时使用。

6.In other words, you don't pass the shared secret component of the API key as part of the query, but instead use it to sign the query.换言之,你不能将共享密钥作为查询串的一部分进行传递,而应使用它进行签名。

7.Notice that your API key is embedded in the script URL at the top of the page.注意,API密匙嵌入在页面顶部的脚本URL里。

8.To begin using the Google Maps APIs, you must first sign up to receive an API key from the Google Code site.要开始使用GoogleMapsAPI,必须先在GoogleCode站点中注册以获得API密钥。

9.Calpng the Fpckr's services requires an API key that you can obtain for free from Fpckr.调用Fpckr的服务需要用到API键,这个键可以从Fpckr免费获得。

10.Finally, notice how the API_KEY is declared as a def.最后,注意API_KEY是如何被声明为def的。