


美式发音: [ˈdʒoʊnə] 英式发音: [ˈdʒəʊnə]






na.1.in the Bible, a prophet who was swallowed by a whale but managed to pve inside it

1.约拿 俄巴底亚书- Obadiah 约拿书- Jonah 弥迦书- Micah ...

3.乔纳 阿摩司书 亚毛斯 Amos 约拿书 约纳 Jonah 弥迦书米该亚 Micah ...

5.乔那 Sa:Excuse me. 山:我去一下。 Sa:Jonah. 山:乔那。 Vi:No. 维:没 …

6.约纳书 35 奥弗狄亚书 Obadiah 36 约纳书 Jonah 37 纳翁书 Nahum ...

7.林约拿 ... 蓝子鸿 Michael 林约拿 Jonah 蒋继义 George ...

8.约拿油田日签署协议,将其位于美国怀俄明州(Wyoming)约拿油田Jonah)与派恩代尔(Pinedale)油田的股权以10.3亿美元出售 …


1.We know only a pttle about Jonah but we are able to build up quite a lot about him from his attitude and experiences.我们对约拿的认识不多;但透过书中描述他的态度和经历,我们便可以在某程度上对他建立一个印象。

2.And YHWH God appointed a plant, and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to save him from his discomfort.耶和华神安排一棵蓖麻,使其发生高过约拿,影儿遮盖他的头,救他脱离苦楚;

3.' Jonah says he prayed towards God's temple in Jerusalem, the place where God said he would always hear the prayers of his children.约拿在祷告中说,他总是向著神在耶路撒冷的圣殿祷告,神说祂必会在那里聆听祂儿女的祈祷。

4.So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days' journey.约拿便照耶和华的话起来,往尼尼微去。这尼尼微是极大的城,有三日的路程。

5.It would have been except that Jonah's God was working below the surface of the sea.没有人想到,汪洋之下,约拿的神仍然作工。

6.Dr: But something must be missing if Jonah still feels you' re under a cloud. Now just a few questions.玛:但如果乔那仍然觉得你不开心,那一定是有些问题还没解决。

7.Jonah knew he had been forgiven when he felt dry land under his feet once more.当约拿再次踏在干地之上的时候,他知道神赦免了他。

8.The sailors were terrified. The captain woke Jonah asking him to call on his God and see what he could do.船员非常恐惧,船长叫醒睡梦中的约拿,叫他向他的神呼求,看看有甚麽方法可以消灾避祸。

9.just as Jonah tried - in vain - to run away from his fate.就像Jonah试图逃离他的命运最终失败了一样。

10.When down in the mouth , remember Jonah: he came out all right .垂头丧气的时候,就想起约拿吧--他还是平平安安地跑出来了。