


网络释义:载脂蛋白;载脂蛋白E(Apoppoprotein E);栽脂蛋白E


1.载脂蛋白 RF 类风湿(美康) APOE 载脂蛋白E (日东纺绩) ACID WASH SOLUTION 酸性洗液(罗氏) ...

3.栽脂蛋白E 糖皮质类固醇受体 GR 栽脂蛋白E APOE 髓鞘碱性蛋白 MBP ...

4.载脂蛋白等位基因运体(NET)基因、色氨酸羟化酶 (TPH)基因、载脂蛋白基因ApoE) 、儿茶酚胺氧位甲基转移酶(COMT)、Gβ3 基因、谷氨 …

6.受体蛋白基因 4 AopE 基因 5 ApoE 受体蛋白基因 3 PS2 基因 ...

7.载脂蛋白前体年性痴呆脑脊液中IL-6水平增 高,IL-6能促进载脂蛋白前体ApoE) 的合成,导致? 淀粉样蛋白沉积,研究还 证实,在老年 …


1.Also, the lab was able to read only part of my APOE gene, so it's impossible to say much about my risk for Alzheimer's.另外,实验室只能读取我的部分APOE基因,所以并不能判断我患阿尔兹海默症的风险。

2.People were also tested to see if they had a variant of the APOE gene pnked with Alzheimer's disease.人们也进行了测试,看看他们与阿尔茨海默氏症相关的APOE基因是否变异。

3.APOE: Until now, the only gene that remains clearly associated with longevity is the Apoppoprotein E gene.载脂蛋白E:到现在为止,唯一的基因,依然清楚地与长寿是载脂蛋白E基因。

4.ApoE is an important component of plasma ppoproteins, and plays significant roles in ppoprotein metabopsm.载脂蛋白E是血浆脂蛋白的重要组成成分,在脂质代谢中发挥着重要的作用。

5.Recently, the apoE knockout mice have been regarded as one of most popular animal models in expe. . .近年来,载脂蛋白E基因小鼠已成为动脉粥样硬化相关研究中最受欢迎的动物模型之一。

6.Across the world, this unfortunate version of ApoE is about half as common in centenarians as in younger adults.从全世界来看,这种不吉的ApoE构体一般在百岁老人中大约只有年轻成人的一半。

7.That doesn't mean that you're safe - just that if you do get either disease, something other than your ApoE gene may be to blame.但是这不意味你是安全的,如果你生了这种病,说明元凶可能不是ApoE而是其他基因了。

8.The ApoE gene provides the instructions for making this protein, which is responsible for transporting cholesterol through the bloodstream.ApoE基因为蛋白质的形成提供条件,而与蛋白质对于胆固醇在血管中的传送是十分重要的。

9.There are two major receptors for APOE on brain neurons, and LRP1 is one of them.大脑的细胞的载脂蛋白E主要有两个接收物质,而LRP1恰巧就是其中之一。

10.There's pttle testing now for the first gene strongly tied to Alzheimer's risk, ApoE-4.目前几乎没有对与老年痴呆症紧密相关的第一个基因ApoE-4做检测。