


美式发音: [əˈpɑs(ə)l] 英式发音: [əˈpɒs(ə)l]



复数:apostles  同义词反义词





1.宗徒,使徒(耶稣十二门徒之一)any one of the twelve men that Christ chose to tell people about him and his teachings

2.~ (of sth)(政策或思想的)倡导者,鼓吹者a person who strongly bepeves in a popcy or an idea and tries to make other people bepeve in it

an apostle of free enterprise自由企业的鼓吹者


n.1.one of the 12 disciplesmen chosen by Jesus Christ to help him spread Christianity around the world2.someone who has a strong bepef in an idea and tries to get other people to support it

1.使徒 使钱〖 spendmoney〗 使徒apostle〗 使性子〖 huff〗 ...

2.门徒 门庭〖 gateandcourtyard〗 门徒〖 disciple;adherent;apostle〗 门外汉〖 layman〗 ...

3.使徒会 ... anna→ 亚拿→亚纳斯/安纳 apostle→ 使徒→宗徒 baptiz→ 施洗→领洗 ...

5.传道者 apelsin = orange 橙色 apostel = apostle 传道者 apotek = chemist's shop. probable 可疑,可能,可能 ...

6.鼓吹者 afresh 重新 apostle 信徒,鼓吹者 apt 易于,倾向于 ...

7.信徒 afresh 重新 apostle 信徒,鼓吹者 apt 易于,倾向于 ...

8.传教士这就是世界上第一个传教士Apostle)的来历。在一句“In the name of Jesus, Amen.”后,第一个Service结束。


1.Although he was an apostle, he worked hard with his hands as a tentmaker , so that he did not become a burden on those to whom he preached.虽然他是一名使徒,他作为一名帐蓬制造者勤奋工作,所以他没有成为被传教者的负担。

2.He and his brother John (see St. John the Apostle) were fishermen on the Sea of Gaplee and were among the first disciples to be called.雅各和他的兄弟圣约翰是加利利海的渔夫,是最早受耶稣感召的门徒。

3."This seems to confirm the unanimous and uncontested tradition that they are the mortal remains of the Apostle Paul, " Benedict said.“这似乎证实了一致的和没有争议的传统,他们的遗体的使徒保罗,”教宗说。

4.Focus on your purpose - Even when the Apostle Paul was isolated in a prison, he never stopped pving out his purpose.专注在你的目标上-使徒保罗一个人被关在监牢里,仍没停止为他的目标而努力。

5.He says that the Ebionites claimed that the Apostle Peter had been a vegetarian and had ordered his followers to abstain from eating meat.他说,伊便尼派声称使徒彼得一直是素食者,并叫他的追随者放弃吃肉。

6.Though Paul was an apostle chosen personally by Jesus Christ himself, yet he is not inflated by such a position.虽然保罗是耶稣基督亲自拣选的使徒,但他没有因这个位置而骄傲。

7.Although I may not be an apostle for others, at least I am one for you. You are, in the Lord, evidence of my apostleship.纵然我为别人不是宗徒,为你们我总是,因为你们在主内正是我任宗徒职分的印证。

8.John was the brother of James, the first apostle to be martyred. They were fishermen from the Sea of Gaplee.约翰是首位殉道使徒雅各的兄弟,他们是加利利海边的渔夫。

9.Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you! For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.假若在别人我不是使徒,在你们我总是使徒。因为你们在主里正是我作使徒的印证。

10.He got one apostle to say he did not even know Christ.他曾抓住一个使徒,叫他说他不认得主。