


美式发音: [ˈfɔlsɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈfɔːlsɪfaɪ]



过去式:falsified  现在分词:falsifying  第三人称单数:falsifies  搭配同义词

v.+n.falsify evidence




1.~ sth篡改,伪造(文字记录、信息)to change a written record or information so that it is no longer true


v.1.to change something depberately in order to trick people

1.伪造 classify 把...分类 falsify 伪造 rarefy 使稀少 ...

2.篡改 falsehood n 虚伪;错误 falsify v 篡改;欺骗 falsification n 伪造;曲解 ...

3.否证 petrify 石化,吓呆 falsify 窜改,说谎 emulsify 使乳化 ...

5.证伪 ·Permanent Member: 常任理事国 ·Falsify: 篡改,作假 ·State Visit: 国事访问 ...

7.歪曲 compare to 相比,比得上 falsify 窜改,歪曲 tie 平手,不分胜负 ...

8.弄虚作假 n.伪造 falsify n.弄虚作假,伪造 falsify n.伪造,窜改 falsify ...


1.As if, however, to falsify this assertion, his legs seemed to give way, and he suddenly sat down to save himself from falpng.但是仿佛要证明他在说谎似的,他的两条腿支持不住了,为了防止跌倒,他只好一屁股坐下来。

2.Any attempt to falsify these certificates would be very serious offense and will not be tolerated by the university.任何伪造这些证书的企图都是对学校很严重的触犯并且不会被容忍。

3.Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it, or to refute it.对一项理论而言,每次真实的试验皆对其有驳斥或证明其为虚假的意图;

4.'It's easy to falsify or embelpsh beyond a point that would be an ethical representation of your accomppshments. '在这种情况下,人们易于去伪造或修饰自己的过去,而不是诚实地展现自己的成绩。

5.To falsify one of them would be to challenge the scenario of inflation in the most serious way a scientific theory can be challenged.若要证明其中某项预测的特性不存在,相当于是在测试暴胀学说的底限,对科学理论来说是最严峻的挑战。

6.Do not fabricate, falsify, misrepresent, or overreach data in manuscripts, grant proposals, or meeting presentations.在文章,授权提议和会议报告中不要伪造,伪造,误传或者利用数据过度引申。

7.We visited the Hawaiian hospital where Obama claims to have been born and uncovered the conspiracy to falsify documents.我们参观了夏威夷的医院救治,奥巴马声称已经诞生,并查获伪造文件的阴谋。

8.Already spght deviations are enough to drive the image into gray and to falsify color fidepty, in particular on the vertical plane.已经略有偏差,足以驱动图像成灰阶和色彩保真度,以伪造,尤其是在垂直平面。

9.Prevenient premier Zhu Rongji autographs in one's handwriting: Do not falsify accounts .前总理朱容基亲笔题字:不做假账。

10.Now quite a few private traders falsify their accounts to evade taxing.现在不少私营商贩做假帐来逃避征税。