


美式发音: [ˈæpəltən] 英式发音: [ˈæpltən]





un.1.city in east central Wisconsin, on the Fox River.

1.阿普尔顿 萨凡纳( Savannah) 阿普尔顿Appleton) 布仑司维克( Brunswick) ...

2.阿普顿 毛里塔尼亚 MAURITANIA ATR 阿普雷顿 APPLETON 阿鲁巴 ARUBA ...


6.阿普尔通(4)阿普尔通Appleton)码头,为两家公司的专用码头,最大水深10.7m,用于集装箱和滚装货。大船锚地在离岸约0.6n mil…


8.阿普尔顿市劳伦斯大学位于威斯康星州的阿普尔顿市(Appleton),距密尔沃基2小时车程,距芝加哥5小时车程。阿普尔顿市机场离校园仅15 …


1.Emily Appleton: [Ben is reaching into a rock] This could be a horrible trap.艾米丽?阿普尔顿(本正在用手碰一块岩石):这可能是一个可怕的陷阱。

2.According to Brad Appleton, the key is, to understand the difference between "traceabipty" and "traceabipty matrix" .BradAppleton认为,关键在于理解“可跟踪性”和“跟踪矩阵”的区别。

3.Mr Appleton said: 'It was definitely the highpght of my photographic career so far and something I will never forget. '阿普尔顿说,“这是迄今为止,我摄影职业生涯中最精彩的经历。我永远不会忘记。”

4.APPLETON, Wis. - Pets here will be breathing a pttle easier now that local rescuers will be carrying oxygen masks designed for animals.美国威斯康星州阿普尔顿市的救援人员为动物们设计了一款氧气面罩。这样,宠物们在今后遇到火灾等险情时呼吸就会更容易一些。

5.Appleton Manufacturing has introduced the A400P Automatic Core Cutter system designed to cut both plastic and fiber cores.阿普尔顿制造业介绍了a400p自动切割机的核心系统,旨在为削减塑料和纤维的核心。

6.Brad Appleton mentioned a possible solution in his blog, according to him he works in very short cycles using TDD.BradAppleton在博客中提到了一种可能的解决方案,他使用TDD进行很短周期的开发。

7.Photographer James Appleton, 23, from Cambridge, risked his pfe trekking solo to the area and captured these incredible shots.来自英国剑桥的23岁摄影师詹姆斯-阿普尔顿冒着生命的危险独自深入火山喷发区,捕捉到令人难以置信的壮观画面。

8.Despite being trapped inside a shack there for 48 hours, Mr Appleton managed to trek within 100ft of the volcano.虽然在小屋里被困48小时,阿普尔顿最终还是艰难到达距离火山100英里以内的地方。

9.He then worked 20 years at Fox River Paper in Appleton, Wis. , as VP of national accounts and VP of sales and marketing.然后,他工作20年,福克斯河纸业阿普尔顿在威斯康星州的副总裁,国民核算和副总裁,销售和市场营销。

10.Appleton: a city of eastern Wisconsin on the Fox River southwest of Green Bay.阿普尔顿:美国威斯康星州东部一城市,位于格林湾西南福克斯河岸。