


美式发音: [ˈʃræpnəl] 英式发音: [ˈʃræpn(ə)l]






1.飞溅的弹片small pieces of metal that are thrown up and away from an exploding bomb


n.1.small pieces of metal that fly out of a bomb or bullet when it explodes

1.弹片 Astrotrain 大火车 Shrapnel 弹片 Kickback 反冲 ...

2.榴霰弹 (OHM) 欧姆,物理学家名. 8 (SHRAPNEL) 榴霰弹,开花弹 发明家名字。 8 (volcano) 火山,罗马神话中火神名. ...

3.榴弹 法力虚空( Mana Void) 榴弹Shrapnel) 爆头( Headshot) ...

4.炮弹碎片 10.mangy adj. 患(兽)疥癣的 11.shrapnel n. 炮弹碎片 12.drifter n. 漂泊者 ...

5.子母弹 Reflector 照相机 反射器 Shrapnel 弹片 子母弹 Kickback 反冲 神腿 ...

6.榴散弹 "莲蓬头"," shower head" "榴散弹"," shrapnel" "碎片"," shred" ...

7.流霰弹 extremist( 极端分子) shrapnel( 流霰弹) commando( 突击队) ...


1.Nothing, some shrapnel. Back to the front in a few days.没什么,一颗榴弹。过几天我就回前线。

2.Khapl's head is bandaged with a bloody patch where he took a piece of shrapnel.Khapl头上还缠着绷带,绷带下流血的伤口是由一块弹片造成的。

3.Luckily, Mr Craig seems just as comfortable depvering puns as he is digging shrapnel from his chest.幸运的是,克雷格讲起俏皮话似乎非常轻松,其驾轻就熟的程度正如他从自己胸口挖弹片一样。

4.'My right hand was hit by shrapnel and didn't work, but I could move my left and I began to claw the earth away, ' he recalls.吉奥尔吉回忆说:“我的右手被弹片打伤不能动弹,但我还可以用左手。”

5.But when I saw the door of the Humvee with some shrapnel and bullet marks in it I told him let's go, we'll be late.但当我看到悍马车门上弹片和枪弹的累累痕迹时,我对他说,走吧,我们就要迟到了。

6.The president is in hospital with second-degree burns to his face and chest, and a shrapnel wound below his heart.总统现在正在医院,面部和胸部二级烧伤,心脏下方的位置中枪伤。

7.Perhaps the oddest case concerned a Norwegian woman who had fallen into a coma after being hit by shrapnel during an air raid in 1941.一名挪威妇女的病例大概是最奇特的了,她在1941年的空袭中被散弹击中陷入昏迷。

8.One of the captured T-34s was destroyed, and dozens of men were screaming in pain from shrapnel wounds.一辆捕获的T-34被毁了,有许多人受伤,在血泊中挣扎、惨叫。

9.Doctor, that man with the shrapnel, I think you should take a look at him.医生带着碎片的那个人我想你该去看看他

10.Shells would be fired in the general area of the target, which would then explode, filpng the area with shrapnel.防空炮将炮弹发射到目标所在的大致范围,炮弹爆炸后将弹片布满该区域。