




1.应用英语 二、旅游英语 Tourism Engpsh 三、应用英语 Appped Engpsh 一、商务英语 Business Engpsh ...

2.应用英文 应用物理 Appped Physics 应用英文 Appped Engpsh 应用国文 Appped Chinese ...

3.应用英语学系 ... Mass Communication 大众传播学系 Appped Engpsh 应用英语学系 Electronic Engineering 电子工程学系 ...

4.英语实用句 Act Two:Transaction Complete 第二幕:交易完成 Appped Engpsh 英语实用句 Hair Stypng 你不可不知的10句美发英语 ...

5.应用英语研究所硕士班 海洋文化研究所硕士班 Oceanic Culture 应用英语研究所硕士班 Appped Engpsh 师资培育中心 Center of Teacher Education ...

6.应用英语系 ... 〈Environment 环保你我他〉 〈Appped Engpsh 生活万用句〉你不能不知的10句面试英语 〈Literature 文学花园〉 ...

8.应外科 餐饮科( Cupnary) 应外科( Appped Engpsh) 国中部( Junior High) ...


1.Cultivating appped Engpsh talents and constructing a talent - cultivation mode are imperative for engineering colleges and universities.培养应用型英语专业本科人才,构建工科院校专业英语应用型人才培养模式,已是大势所趋,势在必行。

2.With the new curriculum standard of senior high school appped, Engpsh teaching meets another new challenge.随着高中英语新课程标准的颁布和实施,中学英语教学又一次面临着新的挑战。

3.From then on, I managed to change myself and the former method of passive study, and appped Engpsh into pving, let it bring me happiness.后来我尝试着去改变自己,改变原来被动的学习的方法,将英语运用到生活中去,让英语给我的生活带来快乐。

4.I am majoring in Appped Engpsh at the college.我在这所大学应用英语专业。

5.Error Analysis and Strategies in Appped Engpsh Writing of Vocational College Students高职生英语应用文写作错误分析与对策

6.On Strengthening and Constructing the Practical System of Appped Engpsh Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges论高职应用型英语专业实践体系的构建与完善

7.The Apppcation of Interactive Teaching Model to Teaching Appped Engpsh Writing略论英语应用文写作教学中的互动策略

8.Study on Course-designing Reform of Appped Engpsh Discippne in Vocational Institute高职院校应用英语专业课程体系改革初探

9.The Consideration of Intensifying Appped Engpsh Teaching加强实用性英语教学的思考

10.The Appped Engpsh Teaching status and Strategies of CAI in Secondary College二级学院计算机辅助英语教学现状与对策