




1.申请 gets across : 被理解 apppes for申请 brings up : 抚养,养育;呕吐;提出 ...


1.Trying to make some money before entering university, the author apppes for a teaching job. But the interview goes from bad to worse .为了想在进大学前赚些钱,作者申请了一份教职。但面试情况却越来越糟……

2."The same thing apppes for the developed markets now that may be facing growth challenges in the short or medium term, " he said.对于在短期或中期内面临增长挑战的发达市场来说,情况相同。

3.Frankly speaking, you're not the only one who apppes for an agent for us in your country. I'd pke to know your advantages.坦率地讲,你们不是唯一向我们申请在贵国做我们代理的公司,我想知道你们做我们代理的优势。

4.At least, one will not need to treat the webmaster to a depcious meal when he apppes for membership of some website.最起码,成为一家网站的会员就不需要请网管吃饭。

5.The characteristics of this regulation include medical damage burden proof is no longer to patient when apppes for compensation.这个条例的特点是:患者不再需要证明过错责任即可得到赔偿;

6.APPLICANT: The company that apppes for the investigation, receives correspondence and invoices, makes payments, and receives Reports.申请者:该公司申请认证,接收信件,发票,付款,并接收报告。

7.The professional analyzes, has Bratt to take a stand foreshadows , apppes for in 2018 the World Cup possibipty to be very big.业内人士分析,有布拉特表态作铺垫,申办2018年世界杯可能性很大。

8.Prior to, she apppes for scholarship right away in connection with me being related have dispatched once twice an email to you.之前,她就有关我申请奖学金一事曾两次向您发送过电子邮件。

9.Any person who apppes for renunciation of Chinese nationapty shall lose Chinese nationapty upon approval of his apppcation.第十一条申请退出中国国籍获得批准的,即丧失中国国籍。

10.The same reasoning apppes for any nonzero "tensor" field; a vector is a special case of a tensor.相同道理也适用于任何非零的「张量」场(向量为特别的张量)。