


美式发音: [əˈpreɪz] 英式发音: [ə'preɪz]



第三人称单数:appraises  现在分词:appraising  过去式:appraised  同义词




1.~ sb/sth估量;估价to consider or examine sb/sth and form an opinion about them or it

an appraising glance/look打量的一瞥╱目光

His eyes coolly appraised the young woman before him.他双眼冷静地打量着面前的年轻女子。

She stepped back to appraise her workmanship.她退后一步,看看她的作品是否完美。

2.~ sb(对某人的工作)作出评价to make a formal judgement about the value of a person's work, usually after a discussion with them about it

Managers must appraise all staff.经理必须对全体员工作出评价。


v.1.to say officially how valuable a piece of property is2.to form an opinion about how successful, effective, etc. someone or something is3.to evaluate a person who works for you

1.评价 appoint 指定,任命 appraise 评价 appease 平息,绥靖 ...

2.估价 arm n. [常用复]武器 appraise vt. 估价;鉴定 array n. 盛装;(排列齐整的)一批;大量 ...

3.鉴定 appoint v. 任命,委任;约定 appraise v. 鉴定 appreciate v. 重视;感激 ...

4.评估 supposition n 推测,猜想 appraise v 评估 appraisal n 评估,评价 ...

5.估计 appoint 任命,委派 appraise 估量,估计 appreciate 感激 ...

6.褒贬 [Discord] 口舌;纠纷 [Appraise] 评论;褒贬 [Right and wrong] 对与错;正确和谬误 ...

7.评定 evaluate 评价,评估 appraise 评价,评定 assess 评定,估价 ...

8.估量 appoint 任命,委派 appraise 估量,估计 appreciate 感激 ...


1.The water content of crude is an important parameter with which can appraise the state of the oil.原油含水率是石油开采中评价油井生产状况必不可少的一个参数。

2.They are the point where " the anchor is Fixed more firmly " for the city image. People via them to understand and appraise the city.它们是城市意象的“锚固点”,人们经由它们而更多的认识城市,了解城市,评价城市;

3.In China, she said, workers are often asked to appraise their peers, but this turns out to be less feedback than snitching.她说,在中国,老板经常要求员工对同事进行评价,但结果往往是打小报告的成分多于反馈。

4.The pedestrian members of bridges made of the concrete have passed the expert appraise and will be appped to Qinghai-Tibet railway bridges.由该材料制备的桥梁人行道构件已通过铁道部专家鉴定,拟用于青藏铁路桥梁的实际工程中。

5.The paper focuses on whether muzzle kinetic energy could be a token and appraise essence factor of gun bear force and move in firing or not.对炮口动能能否作为火炮后坐运动的表征量和火炮受力评价的本质因素进行了研究。

6.To appraise this point of view, what throw to the manpower capital of each areas is metric it is necessary.为了评价这个观点,对各个地区的人力资本投入的计量是必要的。

7.To understand and appraise this historical figure more accurately, this phase of history should arouse the concern of researchers.为了更准确地认识和评价这个历史人物,这段历史应该引起研究者的关注。

8.Individual appraisal gives a person higher ranking in terms of appraise of value on the basis of what is good for you individually.个人的评价让一个人在价值评价,方面有更高的等级,在,什么对你个人最好的基础上。

9.Each student will be committed and able to appraise and assimilate scientific evidence for improvement of patient care practices .每一位学生将认同并且能够评价和吸收科学证据以改善医疗实践。

10.Set up the suppper with overall science and appraise the system , can evade the cooperative risk and offer help in time for manufacturers .建立科学全面的供应商评价体系,可以为制造商及时规避合作风险提供帮助。