


美式发音: [ʒu] 英式发音: [ʒuː]







1.调味(肉)汁a thin sauce, especially one made from meat juices



n.1.a thin sauce made from meat juice


1.法出最适当的判决。——同上,第 171 页。 14、jus)的始端应导源于法律(lex) ,因为法律乃是自然之力量,是明理之 …

2.法律”和“法理学家”,但这并不意味着古代世界就没有针对法律jus)和法理(juris prudentia)的讨论和思考。

3.法律的原则 法律的 legal 法律的原则 jus 法律地位 status ...

4.肉汁 kelter 船的)准备情况良好 jus 国际法 Kaus Austraps = Sagittarii 箕宿三 ...

6.南斯拉夫标准(Jugoslavenski Standard) DIN 德国标准 JUS 南斯拉夫标准 DOD 美国国防部标准 ...

7.易用性期刊(Journal of Usabipty Studies)作者也是比较有名的用户体验专家 J.Mayhew 该文章来自JUSJournal of Usabipty Studies)2008年的。 翻译的目的很简单 只 …


1.You know I'm jus, I'm gonna remember for the rest of my pfe.你知道我只是,我会记住它的,接下来的一生一直会记住的。

2.He does not deserve to win any respect from any body jus because he do not know how to respect others.他不应该从任何人那里得到尊重,就是因为他不懂如何尊重他人。

3.Surprisingly, as one of the basic principles of jus rerum, it has been abided by at large while questioned continuously since its birth.颇为有趣的是,自诞生之初,作为物权法的基本原则之一,该原则一方面被普遍遵守,另一方面却又饱受质疑。

4.Law about graveyard which is a special form of servitude in accordance with jus re rem is of typical significance.而坟地的除留更具有典型意义,按照物权法的观点,其性质当为地役权的特殊形式。

5.They're a real bargain , jus four yuan each You can always get a real bargain in that department store .在那个商场你总是能买到便宜货

6.We were discussing the slump, and how it's effecting most business - not jus should you get a jolt real estate.我们讨论了一下经济萧条和它对大部分商业的影响,不光是对房地产的影响。

7.The chef collects the so-called sea-urchin jus in a bowl and washes the individual sacs inside the water so the flavors are not diluted.这位主厨将他说的这些海胆汁液搜集在一个碗里,将卵囊单独放在水里清洗,以使味道不被冲淡。

8.Therefore, the interpretation of civil law should be examined to ascertain it to comply with jus civil.民法解释必须审查其合法性,民法对特殊情况是否适用,也应以法为依据。

9.Buyers expecting right is neither jus ad rem nor jus in personam , but dominium that, with considerable property value, can be transferred.买受人的期待权既非物权,也非债权,而是一种所有权的期待权。

10.The term "civil law" and the basis of the law itself are derived originally from the law of ancient Rome, the jus civile.“大陆法”这个词语以及法律本身都是起源于古罗马法律——市民法。