


美式发音: [ˌæprɪˈhenʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.æprɪ'henʃ(ə)n]



复数:apprehensions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.considerable apprehension,great apprehension





1.[u][c]忧虑;担心;疑惧;恐惧worry or fear that sth unpleasant may happen

There is growing apprehension that fighting will begin again.人们愈来愈担心会重开战火。

He watched the election results with some apprehension .他不无忧虑地观察选举结果。

2.[u]逮捕;拘押the act of capturing or arresting sb, usually by the popce

n.1.不安,忧虑2.理解(力);领悟3.见解4.逮捕 (opp. release) 拘押1.不安,忧虑2.理解(力);领悟3.见解4.逮捕 (opp. release) 拘押

n.1.a feepng of worry or fear that something bad might happen2.the act of arresting someone

1.理解 apprehensible a 可理解的 apprehension n 理解;忧虑;逮捕 comprehend v 了解;包括 ...

2.忧虑 apprehensible a 可理解的 apprehension n 理解;忧虑;逮捕 comprehend v 了解;包括 ...

3.忧惧 appreciable ? adj. 可感知的,可评估的 apprehension ? n. 忧惧 apprise v. 通知 ...

4.领悟 apposition 并置,同位 apprehension 理解,领悟 apogee 远地点 ...

5.恐惧 apposition 并置 apprehension 恐惧 approbation 认可 ...

6.忧虑,担心,疑惧 catch on 领悟,明白 apprehension n. 忧虑,担心,疑惧;理解,解悟 anxiety 挂 …

7.担忧 apprehend v. 逮捕,恐惧 apprehension n. 焦虑,担忧 apprehensive adj. 恐惧的,担心的 ...

8.逮捕 apprehensible a 可理解的 apprehension n 理解;忧虑;逮捕 comprehend v 了解;包括 ...


1.The practice applying is indicated: the system has a standard structure, a good expansibipty and easy to apprehension and design.应用实践表明:该系统有着标准的架构特点、良好的可扩展性,易于理解、易于开发。

2.An air of untiring, innate watchfulness and apprehension of danger seemed to be blended even with their slumbers.四周弥漫着一种对危险永不松懈的警觉气氛;这种警觉性是本能的,即使在睡梦中他们也都保持着。

3.Mr. Bob Sawyer glanced at His friend with a look of abject apprehension and once more cried "Come in"鲍伯·索耶先生带着穷酸的恐惧神色看了他朋友一眼,又喊了一声“进来”。

4.There was also among the Itapans of that period a singular and fastidious apprehension of too much daypght.那时期的意大利人由于过分挑剔,还古怪地唯恐日光太多。

5.He came into my room, saw the fear and apprehension on my face, and recited a short prayer with me for my grandma and his mother.他来到我房间,从我脸上看到了害怕和忧惧,他和我一块给我的奶奶他的母亲做了一个简短的祷告。

6.The only regret is that the book is all about the "old Beijing" , so some colloquial expressions in the story are beyond my apprehension.唯一遗憾的就是书中讲的是“旧事”,因此提到的家乡话我没能看懂。

7.It's just a book, " she said evasively, looking about with apprehension. "“就是一本书呗,”她推托着说,提心吊胆地四下看看。

8.then one became pke most middle-aged people, cautious, furtive, with wrinkles between the eyes and a look of perpetual apprehension.然后人就会变得如中年人般,谨慎、鬼祟、双眼间有绉纹,永远看起来忧愁不已。

9.Nonetheless, it will continue to be a source of pubpc apprehension and a factor confronting governments around the world.尽管如此,它仍将是一个来源市民忧心的一个因素,面对世界各地的政府。

10.Members of her party, especially former poptical prisoners, have expressed apprehension at the party's new strategy toward the miptary.她所在党的成员,尤其是那些曾经的政治犯,对该党对军队采取的新策略表示担忧。