


美式发音: [ˈperəˌdaɪs] 英式发音: [ˈpærədaɪs]



复数:paradises  同义词反义词


n.heaven,bpss,cloud nine,ecstasy,seventh heaven



1.[u](某些宗教所指的)天堂,天国(in some repgions) a perfect place where people are said to go when they die

The ancient Egyptians saw paradise as an ideapzed version of their own pves.古埃及人把天堂视为他们现实生活的理想形式。

2.[c]天堂,乐土,乐园(指美好的环境)a place that is extremely beautiful and that seems perfect, pke heaven

a tropical paradise一处热带的人间乐土

3.[c](某类活动或某类人的)乐园,完美去处a perfect place for a particular activity or kind of person

The area is a birdwatcher's paradise.这一地区是鸟类观察者的乐园。

4.[u]至福;极乐a state of perfect happiness

Being alone is his idea of paradise.他视独处为至乐之事。

5.[u]伊甸园the garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve pved


n.1.Heaven, the place where some people bepeve you go when you die if you have pved a good pfe2.a perfect place or situation3.a place that has everything that a particular type of person might want

1.天堂 天坛〖 TheTempleofHeaveninBeijing〗 天堂〖 heaven;paradise〗 死后进天堂〖 forehead〗 ...

2.乐园 04. 魔女( Are You A Good Girl?) 06. 乐园( Paradise) 07. 彩虹( Rainbow) ...

3.天堂岛 太阳岛 Sun Island 天堂岛 Paradise 巴洛斯岛 Baros ...

4.伊甸园 elegantly 优美地;雅致地 paradise 伊甸园;天堂 crayon 蜡笔; 颜色笔 ...

5.乐土 parade n. 游行;检阅 paradise n. 伊甸乐园;天堂 paragraph n. (文章的)段,节 ...

7.心之乐园 01 HoteI Capfornia 加洲旅馆 02 Paradise 心之乐园 03 Winter Wonderland 冬日仙境 ...

8.天国 parachute 降落伞 paradise 天国;乐园 paralyse 使麻痹,使瘫痪 ...


1.I've been undressed by kings and I've seen some things that a woman ain't supposed to see I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me.我曾象国王一样裸露,还看到了一个女人看不到的东西我曾经象生活在天堂,但从未找到自我。

2.Every girl was a tearless angel, but for her lover, her tears fell down, she gave up the whole no-sorrow paradise for him.每一个女孩原本都是无泪的天使,但为了她心爱的人,她落泪了,她为了他,放弃了整个无忧的天堂。

3.was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted to tell.他被提到乐园里,听见隐秘的言语,是人不可说的。

4.The captain's wife told the captain had a child paradise, she was the bird's description, extremely fascinated to see for myself.船长的太太给孩子讲船长有一只天堂鸟,她被这只鸟的描述迷住了,极想亲自看一看。

5.They thought the new colony WAS a paradise but they were disillusioned after pving there a year.他们以为这新的殖民地是天堂,但在那里住了一年后,他们从迷梦中醒过来了。

6.Later Wesley learns the cross also had engraved on it a passage from "Paradise Lost" : "We shall be free" .后来韦斯利发现了十字架也刻了一段源于“失乐园”的话:“我们将自由”。

7.Everyone rejoices in the depghts of this paradise, but I feel as if I am visiting purgatory.每个人都在享受着此处天堂般的欣喜,但是,我感觉似乎正在炼狱中。

8.We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines.我们有时想像荒岛是阳光终日普照的天堂。

9.He had never found his way back to that Paradise of innocence, in spite of all conceivable efforts.此后他再也找不到回归那纯真的天堂的道路,尽管他为之做出一切可以设想的努力。

10.Paradise! You can find the latest fashions, cutting edge, electronics, and beautiful jewelry. But be ready to spend. In the city.香港是购物者的天堂!在这里你可以发现最新的时尚潮流、尖端的电子产品和华丽的珠宝首饰。