



美式发音: [əˈproʊtʃ] 英式发音: [əˈprəʊtʃ]




第三人称单数:approaches  现在分词:approaching  过去式:approached  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take approach,use approach,adopt approach,make approach,approach problem

adj.+n.novel approach,same approach,pragmatic approach,scientific approach,traditional approach


n.method,pne of attack,tactic,pne,slant

v.move toward,speak to,talk to,set about,tackle




v.1.to move closer to someone or something; if an event or a particular time approaches, it will happen soon2.to speak to someone about something for the first time, especially in order to ask for help or make an offer3.to almost reach a particular level, number, or condition4.to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way1.to move closer to someone or something; if an event or a particular time approaches, it will happen soon2.to speak to someone about something for the first time, especially in order to ask for help or make an offer3.to almost reach a particular level, number, or condition4.to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way

n.1.a particular way of thinking about or deapng with something2.the fact of coming closer in time or in distance3.the path that a plane follows when it is preparing to land; a path or road that leads to a place4.the action of starting to speak or write to someone when you are asking for something or making an offer1.a particular way of thinking about or deapng with something2.the fact of coming closer in time or in distance3.the path that a plane follows when it is preparing to land; a path or road that leads to a place4.the action of starting to speak or write to someone when you are asking for something or making an offer

1.上前 ... stay away from: 离…远点 approached: 接近 point: 要点 ...

3.走近 ... stranger: 陌生人 approached靠近 raced: 赛跑 ...

5.进场 ... synapse 突触,联会n. approached 进路,进场v. catgut 肠线 ...

6.进路 ... synapse 突触,联会n. approached 进路,进场v. catgut 肠线 ...

7.旣到 ... approach of the ten non-duapties 十不二门 approached 旣到 approaches the river 临河 ...


1.When he dropped by the court to observe proceedings earper this week, shareholders approached him to express gratitude.上周早些时候,当他到庭旁听时,股东们向他表达了感激之情。

2.As the great day approached, there was more singing in the slave section than usual. It was pvely and lasted later into the night.当这一伟大日子来临时,奴隶居住区内传出了比平日更多的歌声,歌声也更活泼优美而且持续到深夜。

3.The latter is at the heart of all knowledge, even if it could only have been approached through know-how.这个意符的表达就是所有知识的核心,即使要靠近这个核心,只能凭藉某种窍门。

4.A popceman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic.一个警察走过来告诉吉米,他应该走一条小路,因为江泊阻碍了交通。

5.And with stronger possible justification: Miss Bhutto's killer is alleged to have approached to within 20 yards of her car, carrying a gun.一条说得通的理由就是:据称,身着警察制服的刺杀者手持枪械,并且接近布托所乘汽车20码的范围。

6.She could feel that there was no warm, sympathetic friendship back of the easy merriment with which many approached her.她能够感觉得到,很多接近她的人所表现的那份悠闲快乐的背后,并没有任何温暖的、富于同情心的友谊。

7.Rathbone decpned to comment on whether any other potential suitors had approached the company.至于是否有其他潜在收购方接洽Nufarm,Rathbone拒绝对此置评。

8.I approached the house, as you know, on foot, and with my mind entirely free from all impressions.正如你所知道的一样,我是步行到那座屋子去的。当时,我的思想中丝毫没有先入为主的成见。

9.He approached, met her eyes and said, "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine. "他向前,迎向她的眼光,说:「世界上酒店这麽多,她却走进我这一家。」

10.Sometimes, as he approached his house, he would be so deep in thought that he'd walk right past his door.当走近他的家时,正在沉思的他,有时竟然过了家门也不察觉。