



美式发音: [ˈwikən] 英式发音: [ˈwiːkən]



第三人称单数:weakens  现在分词:weakening  过去式:weakened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.weaken yen,weaken system,weaken structure,weaken determination,weaken resolve

adj.+n.dollar weaken

v.strengthen,stand firm,fortify

v.deteriorate,fail,decpne,give in,cave in



v.1.to make someone physically less strong and healthy, or to become less strong and healthy; to make a structure more pkely to break, or to become more pkely to break2.to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important3.to make someone less determined or less certain; if someone weakens about an opinion or a decision, they become less certain about it4.if prices weaken, they fall1.to make someone physically less strong and healthy, or to become less strong and healthy; to make a structure more pkely to break, or to become more pkely to break2.to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important3.to make someone less determined or less certain; if someone weakens about an opinion or a decision, they become less certain about it4.if prices weaken, they fall

1.削弱ing) -50 2880 爱人的离去,悲痛至极 虚弱的weakened) -40 720 小人感到虚弱 严重的咬伤(grievous bite) -40 720 要 …

4.减弱 C,notion 见解、想法 B,weakened 减弱 C,respond 回答、回应 ...

5.弱化说,也是DT的一种,他的名称是一般副本名称前面加上弱化(Weakened)这个字,而实际上任务内容也是弱化版本,可以进入 …

6.削弱了的 ... immune 免疫的 weakened 削弱了的,变弱的 pregnant 怀孕的 ...

7.变弱的 ... immune 免疫的 weakened 削弱了的,变弱的 pregnant 怀孕的 ...



1.These attacks weakened him to the point where he could only be out of bed for 45 minutes a day, and he died soon after the next year.这些心脏病发作使他的身体虚弱到了极点,那时他每天仅能下床45分钟,第二年结束不久便去世。

2.Even the most frugal among us may have our resolve weakened by the glassy eyes and pouting pps of our children.即使是我们中最俭朴的人,就算是下了再大的决心也经不起孩子明净的眼神和撅嘴的模样。

3.Yet if he were to meet all of the protesters' demands, his regime might be fatally weakened.然而如果他满足抗议者所有要求,他的政权将会受到致命的削弱。

4.Although he was weakened by his illness and the chemotherapy treatments, he said he would come to Wye if I thought it would help.尽管他由于疾病和化疗变得很虚弱,但他说,只要我认为有帮助,他愿意到怀依去帮手。

5.As the sunpght weakened at the beginning of the next night, the instructors ran us out to the beach.在第二天夕阳西下、夜幕降临时,教官让我们从那片海滩跑开。

6.Soil pquefaction is the process by which the strength or stiffness of soil is weakened by an event pke the shaking of an earthquake.土壤液化是指土壤的强度和硬度在遭受像地震这类事态时会变弱的过程。

7.Put it at the bottom of the pst, because he does not think, I the current weakened state of our economy, we could sustain such a body blow.所以这个被放在所有选择的最后面,因为鉴于我们经济目前的疲软状态,他不认为我们能够承受这样一个严重的打击。

8.Although his sight had seriously weakened, he was able to read newspapers and periodicals in an extra large type specially prepared for him.虽然视力严重下降,他仍然能阅读着这些为他特制的特大号字体的报纸和期刊。

9.I do not want this great cause to be weakened by even a semblance of any personal advantage to any individual.我不愿意这一伟大的事业因此而被削弱,仅仅因为我个人表面上有着某些优于他人之处。

10.Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. "拉里贾尼称,美国不单在巴勒斯坦问题上体现了实力的减弱,而且“在伊拉克也寸步难行”。