


美式发音: ['ækwəkʌltʃə(r)] 英式发音: ['ækwəkʌltʃə(r)]





1.水产养殖(业)the growing of plants in water for food


n.1.the farming of ocean and freshwater plants and animals for human consumption

1.水产养殖 Appendix 阑尾 Aquaculture 水产养殖 Aqueous humour 水状液 ...

2.水产业 Lithium 锂 Aquaculture 水产业 Flush 冲洗,奔流 ...

3.水产养殖学 农艺学及作物科学 Agronomy and Crop Science 水产养殖学 Aquaculture 植物科学 Plant Sciences ...

4.养殖业 aqua,aque 水 aquaculture 养殖业 aquarium 水族馆 ...

5.水产动物 微生物饲料添加剂 Microbial 水产动物 Aquaculture 有限公司 Organic Bio Tech Co.,Korea ...

6.养殖渔业 捕捞渔业: capture fisheries 养殖渔业aquaculture 英文: fisheries ...


1.The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization released a State of World Aquaculture report at a meeting in New Delhi two years ago.联合国粮食及农业组织两年前在新德里的会议上发布了一篇世界水产状况的报道。

2.Zhicheng aquaculture experts, due to fish not used for food, so whether the laser damage to the fish itself, how much, no one to study.水产专家张志诚介绍,由于观赏鱼不用于食用,所以究竟激光对鱼本身的损害有多大,并没有人去研究。

3.There has been a strong growth in aquaculture and the main species produced are salmon, trout, eels, mussels, lobsters, clams and scallops.水产养殖业的增长势头一直很强劲,生产的主要品种有:鲑鱼、鳟鱼、鳗鱼、贻贝、虾、蛤蜊和扇贝。

4.I should say that this has revolutionized rural aquaculture that has led to improved pvephoods and nutrition of the rural populace.应当说,这是农村水产业的一场革命,改善了农村人口的生活和营养。

5.Three years of professional knowledge-based aquaculture in the university, and a year of Huangsang and Dinggui fish farming experience.大学三年的专业水产养殖理论知识基础,并有一年的黄颡、丁桂养殖经验。

6.Aquaculture is often accused of being unsustainable and not environmentally friendly.水产养殖业经常被指控为不可持续性和环境不友好。

7.So , for better or for worse , aquaculture, fish farming , is going to be a part of our future .所以,不管是好是坏,水产养殖业,养鱼业,都会成为我们未来的一部分。

8.But if that could be done economically, biofuel aquaculture would be about as green as you could get.但一旦收集藻类可以比较经济的进行,生物燃料产业就会成为你可以投资的最绿色的产业。

9.In fish, artifically induced polyploidy breeding was one of the most interesting fields in aquaculture.鱼类多倍体育种是鱼类育种最热的领域之一。

10.Thousands of cobia swirl around the center of a traditional deepwater fish-farming, or aquaculture, cage off Puerto Rico in 2007.2007年,波多黎各。成千上万的军曹鱼环游在一座传统的深海渔场中心——此即所谓水产养殖。