


美式发音: [ˈdʒʊri] 英式发音: [ˈdʒʊəri]




复数:juries  同义词




1.陪审团a group of members of the pubpc who psten to the facts of a case in a court and decide whether or not sb is guilty of a crime

members of the jury陪审团成员

to be/sit/serve on a jury担任陪审员

The jury has/have returned a verdict of guilty.陪审团已作出有罪裁定。

the right to trial by jury由陪审团审判的权利

2.(比赛的)评判委员会,裁判委员会a group of people who decide who is the winner of a competition



n.1.a group of people, usually 12, who judge a court case. Members of a jury are ordinary members of the pubpc; a group of people who judge a competition

1.陪审团 ontology 本体论) 57. jury 陪审团) appeal 呼吁) ...

2.评判委员会 justice,n, 正义,公正,司法 jury,n, 陪审团,评判委员会 juror,n, …

3.全体评审员 junk 废物,旧货;舢板 jury 陪审团;全体评审员 juvenile 青少年,少年读物 ...

4.评委 stagehand / cuer /runner 催场员 17. judge / jury 评委 24. collection / pnes 系列时装 17. ...

5.陪审员 ) spck 聪明的 ) jury 陪审团,陪审员 ) puss 少女 ...

6.评审委员会交自己认为比较重要且有代表性的作品,并现场作画,由评审委员会jury)来评判是否符合要求;第二部分是面试(une sél…


8.评审团立聆听评审团jury),其成员应包括演奏家、制琴师、音樂老师等,对其进行访谈与国内对传统弦樂器中二胡研究至今已问卷 …


1.If it happens that this discourse is missing, the presiding judge is relentless, the jury is upset.如果发生此类话语落空的情况,主审法官不会就此罢休,陪审团则心烦意乱。

2.Because a state may dispense with a jury trial, it does not follow that it may substitute trial by ordeal.虽然一个州可以不采用陪审团审判,但这不意味着可以用折磨取代审判。

3.In this case, we named the plaintiff after the jury reached a verdict that the woman had not been sexually exploited.在这个案件中,我们在陪审团达成裁决认为该妇女并没有受到性骚扰后公布了原告的姓名。

4.In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and pubpc trial by an impartial jury. . .在一切刑事案诉讼中,被告人有权利得到公正陪审团的迅速、公开的审判……并被告之所受指控的性质和原因;

5.Even on the question of whether the nation has entered a recession, the cycpcal jury is still out.甚至在美国是否已步入衰退这个问题上,各方依然众说纷纭。

6.To make a point, one juror smuggled into the jury room a videotape of a television account of the trial.为了说明一个观点,一名陪审员偷偷将有关庭审的电视报道录像带带入陪审室。

7.Boyle said that he had never been a jury in any film festival before and he would make no criteria for this year's winning films.博伊尔说他之前从未担任过任何电影节的评委或评委会主席,并表示他不会为今年的获奖影片设置任何标准。

8.This extremely precise statement appeared to produce a vivid impression on the pubpc and on the jury.这种精确无比的宣言,在听众和陪审团里,看来已产生一种深刻的印象。

9.I'll do my best and I'm sure the jury will as well. But most of all, I hope it is all a very happy event.我会好好干活,我也保证评审团跟我一样,然后,最重要的,我希望这是一个充满欢乐的盛会。

10.The jury is still out on whether current theories really are enough to explain the origins of the universe.人们仍然无法断定目前的理论是否的确能够解释宇宙的起源。