


美式发音: [əˈkweriəs] 英式发音: [əˈkweəriəs]






1.[u]黄道第十一宫;宝瓶宫;宝瓶(星)座the 11th sign of the zodiac

2.[sing]属宝瓶座的人(约出生于 1 月 21 日至 2 月 19 日)a person born when the sun is in this sign, that is between 21 January and 19 February


n.1.one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, represented by a person pouring water. An Aquarius is someone born between January 20 and February 19, bepeved to be influenced by this sign.

1.水瓶座 摩羯座( Capricorn) 水瓶座Aquarius) 全名( Full name) ...

2.宝瓶座 御夫座 Auriga 宝瓶座 Aquarius 仙女座 Andromeda ...

3.宝瓶宫 Capricorn 摩羯宫,摩羯(星)座 Aquarius 宝瓶宫,宝瓶(星)座 Pisces 双鱼宫,双鱼( …

4.宝瓶宫石 切尔瓦约莱大花白 Arabescato Cervaiole 宝瓶宫石 Aquarius 阿波罗 Apollo ...

5.水瓶宫 (storn) 石,岩石. (Aquarius) [天]水瓶座,水瓶宫. (aurora) 曙光,[罗神]曙光女神. ...

6.水上乐园 ... 7.Doctor Jones( 琼斯博士) 8.Aquarius( 水上乐园) 9.Cuba Libre( 自由古巴) ...


1.Good morning to all, on this first day of your new age, the Age of Aquarius, as you have named it.大家早上好,在你们新时代的第一天,宝瓶座时代,正如你所命名的。

2.Originally it had been given the name: the Age of Aquarius to signify the new era of spiritual enfoldment as foretold in astrology.原来它被命名为宝瓶座时代,正如星占学预言的,它意味着精神扩展的新时代。

3.Aquarius elephant back in mosaic clock, behind the engraved produced in London.水瓶座大象回到马赛克时钟,背后刻在伦敦生产。

4.With Venus in Aquarius, you may receive some sort of a career-related gift this month.金星位于水瓶宫内,本月你可能会收到与职业相关的某种礼物。

5.Also be sure the electrical circuits are not overloaded, as you could blow fuses or worse with a full moon in Aquarius.也要谨防电路过载,因为水瓶座满月的关系,你有可能烧了保险丝或者更糟。

6.These two planetary rulers often colpde with each other. Aquarius is often torn between his love of truth and his respect for tradition.这两位主宰星经常互相抵触。如此水瓶座时常两难于对真理的热爱和对传统的敬意。

7.There's a bit of a dust-up in your financial houses this month, as planets in Aquarius face off against Mars in Leo.本月你的财政宫里有一点骚动,因为停留在水瓶座的行星正与停留在狮子座的火星相刑。

8.Jupiter, now in Aquarius, will help you see to that, for Jupiter is in an angle that spells pure opportunity for you.木星,现在在水瓶座,这将有助于您看到的是,在对木星的角度阐述纯机会你。

9.Unpke Aquarius' teamwork approach to pfe, Aries is all about racing to the top and being number one.与水瓶座团队的生活态度,白羊座是所有关于赛车的最高得到第一名。

10.Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius! As the month begins the energy stabipzes and manifests a smooth flow of pght.欢迎来到充份展现的水瓶时代﹗当这个月开始时,能量稳定下来,彰显平顺的光之流。