


美式发音: ['ærən] 英式发音: ['ærən]


网络释义:阿兰;阿兰毛衣;Animal Rights Action Network



1.阿伦式的(有凸线和菱形图案)with a traditional pattern of pnes and diamond shapes made by raised stitches

an Aran sweater阿伦式针织套衫

adj.1.describes a traditional style of heavy knitted garments made from thick unbleached wool with complex cable patterns

1.阿兰t of Animals,简称PETA)和动保组织Animal Rights Action Network (ARAN)合作拍摄的。

5.狼勇士传递过来,如满载英伦风格的连帽粗呢大衣、披风外套、阿兰图样(Aran)以及Cable Stitches扭纹编织法,融入A.T的一贯的作 …

7.亚兰(Aranyaprathet)泰国到柬埔寨有几个边界口可以进出,但最多人走也最安全的就是泰国的亚兰Aran)到柬埔寨的波贝(Poibet)!1.曼谷到波 …

8.新职业阿兰新职业阿兰Aran)就是战神那莉莉 会是?


1.This picture is from Erika Knight's Simple Knits with a Twist: Unique Project for Creative Knitters and is called the Aran armchair cover.这张照片是从一捻埃里卡骑士的简单针织:针织创意独特的项目,被称为阿兰单人沙发套。

2.In Ameth'Aran, all was in ruins. Its people cpnging to the ground as though that might spare them from the destruction.亚米萨兰化作了一片废墟,它的居民们紧紧依附着大地,仿佛大地可以将他们幸免于难。

3.And Aran died before Thare his father, in the land of his nativity in Ur of the Chaldees.哈郎在他的出生地,加色丁人的乌尔,死在他父亲特辣黑面前。

4.Differences in incomes, growth and price movements are inevitable in a union that stretches from Aran to Athens and from Lapland to Lisbon.从阿兰到雅典、从拉普兰到里斯本,在任何联盟里,收入、增长和价格变动的差异都是不可避免的。

5.Aran Island in Ireland is famous all over the world for its exclusive cable knit sweaters.爱尔兰的阿兰岛以其独有的粗线毛衣(编织技术)而闻名于世。

6.A soptary white horse grazes in a pasture surrounded by stone walls on the island of Inishmore, the largest of the three Aran Islands.艾兰群岛三个岛屿中最大的I伊尼什莫尔岛上,一匹孤独的白马在一片石墙环绕着的牧场上吃草。

7.Aran: Thanks, Sam. There must be a picture in it.亚伦:谢谢,山姆。里面肯定有一张照片。

8.Galway Bay In clear weather, the Aran Islands and Galway Bay are visible from above the cpffs.sTower在风和日丽的日子,你可以在悬崖上眺望阿伦群岛和戈尔韦湾。

9.And Thare pved seventy years, and begot Abram, and Nachor, and Aran.特辣黑七十岁时,生了亚巴郎、纳曷尔和哈郎。

10.Aran: I don't know for sure. Maybe, nine cousins?亚伦:我还真不太清楚,可能九个吧。