


美式发音: 英式发音: ['indəs]

n.1. 印度河



n.1.1. 印度河

n.1.a faint constellation of the southern hemisphere

un.1.river in Asia. It rises in western Tibet and flows northwest across Jammu and Kashmir and then southwest through Pakistan to the Arabian Sea.

1.印度河 水蛇座( Hydrus) 印第安座( Indus) 蝎虎座( Lacerta) ...

3.印地安座 43 Hydrus 水蛇座 44 Indus 印地安座 45 Lacerta 蝎虎座 ...

4.印度河流 ) Indus 印度河、 ) Indus 印度河流 ) Indus basin 印度河盆地 ...

5.印度河干流按照条约,三个西 部的支流,印度河干流Indus), 杰赫勒姆河(Jhelum) 和奇纳布河(Chenab)归巴基斯坦所有,而三个 …


例句释义:,1. 印度河,印第安座,印地安座,印度河流

1.We were based in a town called Leh situated on the Indus River. We travelled to Leh by road, which took about a week.我们以印度河沿岸一个名叫列城的城镇作为根据地,用了将近一个星期才经由陆路到达那里。

2.The British, who reapzed its potential as a port city for the produce of the Indus Valley, developed it into a commercial trading center.英国,发挥它的潜力作为港口城市为Indus谷的产物,开发了它成一个商业贸易的中心。

3.Under a tree in the Indus, I learned a lot of poetry, also began to understand the feepngs of the poets.在梧桐树下,我学会了很多诗词,也渐渐地懂得了诗人们的心情。

4.Much of the land around the Indus River is wetland, and the salt flats southeast of the Indus River are part of the Rann of Kachchh.印度河流域大部分土地都是湿地,而东南边的盐碱平原有一部分是卡其沼泽地。

5.Don't want to Indus gave sad, do not want to let her Ye Yun aggravated a melancholy, so quiet that she indistinct illusory her beauty.不想对梧桐赋予伤感,不想让她的叶韵加重一笔惆怅,于是安静的让她隐隐约约幻现她的美感。

6.Foods on the Indus River continued to surge downstream into southern Pakistan more than three weeks after the initial floods started.印度河汹涌奔腾的洪水继续向下游的南部巴基斯坦地区涌入,该地区从发生洪灾到现在已经持续3周左右。

7.Thunderstorm case, picking a great Indus leaves, up in the head, playing a home.遇上雷阵雨,摘一片大大的梧桐树叶,撑在头顶,玩耍着回家去。

8.We are heading through the Indus Valley and, after the stench and fumes of Karachi, it is all the more beautiful.我们行进在印度河峡谷中(IndusValley),在经历了卡拉奇恶臭的空气之后,更觉这里的景色宜人。

9.Indus . . . shower of fragrant blue, purple rose in the air to breathe, enjoy music in the heart of the ocean!沐浴青桐的芬芳、呼吸紫玫的气息,畅游在心灵乐章的海洋!

10.BCE: India - Writing disappears from India for a time with the destruction of the Indus Valley civipzation.印度——印度河流域文明在一段时期里受到破坏,文献记载消失了。