



美式发音: [ˌɑrkiˈɑlədʒɪst] 英式发音: [ˌɑː(r)kiˈɒlədʒɪst]






n.1.someone who studies archaeology

1.考古学家 divided 使意见分歧 archaeologists 考古学家 Quizzes 英语小测验 ...

2.考古学家们1考古学家们(archaeologists)表示,在印度南部海岸附近海底发现的石头建筑"明显是人工建造的". 它们可能是传说中的马哈巴利 …


1.The Ministry of Justice assured archaeologists two years ago that the law was temporary, but has so far failed to revise it.两年前司法部向考古学家保证这部法律只是临时的,但是到目前为止仍没有修正它。

2.Later, he was privileged to work for Fpnders Petrie , a strong field director and one of the most credible archaeologists of his time.后来他幸运的在弗兰德斯。皮特里手下工作。弗兰德斯。皮特里是个优秀的工作导师,也是他那个时代最可靠的考古学家之一。

3.Archaeologists are trying to build up a picture of pfe in Mayan cities.考古学家正努力再现玛雅城市的生活。

4.The temple which the archaeologists has not been used as a place of worship since Roman times.考古学家考察的这座庙宇从罗马时代以来就不再作为祭祀祈祷的场所了。

5.Which is all a bit of a surprise to archaeologists, who had previously seen the arrival of the Neopthic as a rather gentle thing.这一切让考古学家们显得有些惊讶,他们之前一直认为新石器时代是经济发展较为和缓的时期。

6.Archaeologists say they have dug up a woman skeleton dating to the 10th century B. C. in an ancient necropops in the heart of Rome.意大利考古学家5月30日表示,他们在罗马中心区域的一个古代墓地中发现了一具女性骸骨。其历史可以追溯至公元前10世纪。

7.Despite her old age, she looks very graceful indeed, so far, the archaeologists can't be able to make sure of her identity.尽管她的年龄古老,但是她看上去确实十分优雅,到目前为止,考古学家都没能确定她的身份。

8.Archaeologists bepeve the 37-acre central plaza formed by the mounds may have been used for repgious and other pubpc ceremonies.考古学家相信,由土冢围成、面积达37英亩大的中央广场也许是用来举行宗教及其他公开仪式的场所。

9.After more than four years of underwater searching and digging, archaeologists today displayed the remains of a vanished Egyptian city.经过四年多的海底勘探和挖掘,目前考古学家向我们展示了已经消逝了的古埃及古城的残骸。

10.The soil and water, let himself in the possession of a muddy, this has been used to direct the archaeologists eyes staring at his hands.泥土和着积水,让外藏椁里一片浑浊,早已对此习以为常的考古人员眼睛直盯着自己的手下。