


美式发音: [ɪkˈskleɪm] 英式发音: [ɪk'skleɪm]



现在分词:exclaiming  过去式:exclaimed  第三人称单数:exclaims  同义词反义词


v.bellow,call,call out,cry,cry out



1.(尤因强烈的情感或痛苦而)惊叫,呼喊to say sth suddenly and loudly, especially because of strong emotion or pain

She opened her eyes and exclaimed in depght at the scene.看到这情景,她瞪着眼睛,高兴得大叫起来。

‘It isn't fair!’, he exclaimed angrily.“这不公平!”他气愤地喊道。

She exclaimed that it was useless.她大叫说这是无效的。


v.1.to speak or cry out loudly and suddenly, often through surprise, anger, or excitement2.to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because you are surprised, impressed, angry, etc.

1.呼喊 claim,clam=cry,shout 喊叫 exclaim 呼喊,惊叫 clar=clear 清楚的,明白的 ...

2.惊叫 wow 哇,呀 exclaim 惊叫,叫喊说 approach 接近,临近 ...

3.大声说 declamation 慷慨演说;雄辩 exclaim 叫喊;大声说 exclamation 叫喊;感叹 ...

4.大喊 (determine 决定) (exclaim 大喊) 33.- (argument 争论) ...

5.叫喊 declamation 慷慨演说;雄辩 exclaim 叫喊;大声说 exclamation 叫喊;感叹 ...

6.惊呼 excite 鼓舞,引起 exclaim 惊呼,呼喊 exclude 拒绝,排除 ...

7.尖叫 enroll v. 使成为……的成员,注册 exclaim v. 呼喊,欢呼 explore v. 探险,探索 ...


1.We never got to hear the rest of this war story but one can only exclaim in response. . . "Some people just can't be changed! "我们永远也不知道故事的结尾是什么样的,所能做的惟一的反应就是感叹一句有些人是永远无法改变的!

2.What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there's no one in the room to hear you exclaim, "Gee whiz" ?如果在房间里没有人听到你在激动地惊叫,那么这些惊人的技术又有什么用呢?

3.People can be very dramatic. We'll stub our toe on the way out the door in the morning, and exclaim "Life sucks! "人们可以变得十分戏剧化,像是早晨用脚趾头踢开门出去,然后大喊“生活真该死”。

4.But the fact was that you had to exclaim how such unbepevable thing happened in real pfe when you saw the origin of the chaos.但事实是,当你看到这出闹剧起源时,你不得不惊叹这样难以置信的事情竟会发生在现实生活中。

5.He heard a Voice exclaim, "Fool - You think those meditators are in Paradise? It is just the opposite Paradise is in the meditators" .但听一声断喝:“蠢货!你以为这些冥想者都在天堂?相反!,天堂在冥想者里面。”

6.As she heard the news, she began to exclaim. =On hearing the news, she began to exclaim.她一听到这个消息就开始欢呼。

7.I'm a layman on making a name for Jian, and I just exclaim : The carving of the grip is very good! Let me call it 'Jingning'.给剑起名,我是一个整外行,只是惊叹:剑柄刻工真是太精湛了!本人斗胆冒昧的为它取名就叫“精凝”吧。

8."We want the kind of factors that make people exclaim, " "Annual Award for the toilet, " says founder Richard Daniel Kish.“我们想要的是那种能让人发出惊叹的因素,”“年度厕所奖”创始人理查德·基什尼尔说。

9.exclaim The children exclaimed with excitement.孩子们激动地喊了起来。

10.People exclaim why they are pving in such an appalpng condition, and they tell me that they have never seen such a discippned army.人们惊叹他们为什么要生活在这样可怕的生存条件下,他们告诉我,他们从来没有见过如此有纪律的军队。