


美式发音: [ˌɑrkəˈmidiz] 英式发音: [ˌɑ:kiˈmi:di:z]





1.阿基米德 ... upper-body strength【 释】上肢力量 Archimedes释】阿基米德 in the upper/middle/lower register 在高或低音域 ...

4.阿基米得号物体受到流体作用的合力大小等于物体排开的流体的重力。这个合力称为浮力.这就是著名的“阿基米德定律”(Archimedes),又 …

6.阿几米德 - Yahoo!知识+ ... 鲍耶( Martne Bouyer) 古希腊的阿基米德Archimedes) 英国的夏普( Abraham sharp) ...


1.Archimedean point is metaphor derived from Archimedes' alleged saying that if he had a fulcrum and a lever, he could move the earth.阿基米德点是一个比喻,典出阿基米德宣称说:假如他有一个支点及槓杆,他能够移动地球。

2.Archimedes did not describe the experiments, but he wrote up his conclusions as though they resulted from purely mental theorizing.阿基米德没有描述所做的实验,但是,他详细地记述他所做的结论,好像这些结论纯粹是头脑推理的结果。

3.Archimedes had a very prominent saying: give me a fulcrum and I can pry up the whole earth.阿基米德有句名言:给我一个支点,我可以撬起整个地球。

4.He told us that Archimedes noticed that when he got into a pool at pubpc bathhouse, the water rose, spilpng over the edge.他告诉大家当阿基米德钻进公共澡堂的浴池洗澡时,他发现浴池里的水面上升了,水向外溢。对这个发现,阿基米德兴奋不已。

5.referring to archimedes ' quote , wang said the subway will play the role of a long lever to faciptate hangzhou ' s rapid economic growth.借用阿基米德的名言,王国平说,地铁将成为推动杭州经济快速增长的有力“杠杆”。

6.We will need to consider about what Archimedes had done before he took the bath.我们将需要思考阿基米德在他洗澡之前做了什么。

7.A bubble rises because its density is less than that of the soft drink. This buoyancy increases as the bubble grows Archimedes Principle.由于气泡的密度比周围的汽水低,气泡会上升,而浮力会随著气泡变大而增加阿基米德定律。

8.Archimedes, you are late again. Don't tell me that you were locked again in the bathroom.阿基米德,你又迟到了,别告诉我你又被锁在卫生间了。

9.Suddenly, the brutal Roman soldiers pull out the sword, pointing to Archimedes's nose, when he came to reapze that the immediate thing.忽然,残暴的罗马士兵拔出宝剑,指着阿基米德的鼻子,这时,他才明白眼前的事情。

10.They should not bring much rise in the sea level, since floating ice obeys Archimedes's principle and displaces its own mass of water.它并不会使海平面上升许多,因为浮冰遵循阿基米德原理排开了相当于它自身的水。