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n.1.in Hinduism, the endless cycle of birth, pfe, death, and rebirtstrong.in Buddhism, somebody's rebirth

1.轮回 播放: 灵毒六代 播放: 跳水女皇郭晶晶泳装照片色戒(Samsara) - 高清影院 | 在线观看 | 电影预告 ...- VeryCD电驴大全verycd.co…

3.姗拉娜 ZA 姬芮 Samsara 姗拉娜 PRETTIEAN 雅姿丽 ...

4.生死轮回 ... 01.PLEASURES 欢沁 02.SAMSARA 轮回之香 03.CHARM 吸引 ...


1.ignorance of the true nature of our own mind brings about our delusion and endless wanderings in the samsara.由于不识自心的究竟本性,我们才会生起惑迷,不停在轮回中徘徊。

2.They pve and die again and again to help others be free from Samsara, while most of us are reborn out of attachment to Samsara.他们一次又一次的生死来帮助众生从轮回之苦中解脱出来,使我们大部分重生在轮回之外。

3.The Garbha is always present, no matter what mutations and incarnations all beings may pass through during their sojourn in samsara.胎藏总是表现出来,无论什么突变和化身所有的生命都将在轮回之中穿过经历他们的小屋。

4.The fashion goes to a new samsara , in a flash, the whole world is doing things creatively, breaking through the tradition everywhere.时尚走到新一个轮回,一瞬间,整个世界处处都在标新立异、冲破传统。

5.However the cycle of birth, pfe, death, and rebirth (known as samsara in Hinduism and Buddhism), is not forever.而从出生,过日子,死亡,再到重生(即我们所知的印度教和佛教中的轮回)并非永恒持续的。

6.If all the world in the samsara, then I was locked in a pale which time paragraph mark, unable to escape with no place to hide.若是世间一切都在轮回,那么我究竟是被锁在了哪一段苍白的时间段落里画地为牢,无法逃离无处躲藏。

7.But the inner contradiction and the actual encounter determined that the struggle of Pingshe would plunge into a new "samsara" again.然而,自由主义理论的内在矛盾和现实遭遇决定了平社学人的努力又将陷入新的轮回之中。

8.or Bum ( Prajnaparamita ) to be the most infalpble text to arouse them from the illusion of samsara (round of births and deaths).或泛(般若)是最不会犯错的文本,唤起社会人士的轮回错觉(出生和死亡轮)。

9.Thus, the duapty between nirvana and samsara is only accurate on the conventional level.因此,涅槃与轮回之间的二元性,只是常规水平上的区分。

10.Without the reincarnation, does not have the samsara, has not shuttled back and forth the time tunnel's machine.没有转世,没有轮回,没有穿梭时间隧道的机器。